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CBSE has postponed all board exams from 19th March 2020 to 31st March 2020 due to the corona outbreak. Now, these examinations will be held in the month of April. CBSE will issue a fresh schedule (datesheet) by the end of this month.

Here is the detailed Press Notice issued by CBSE, New Delhi today.

As a precautionary measure and in compliance of the instructions received from Secretary, Department of Higher Education/ School Education and Literacy, Government of India vide letter No. Secy (HE)/MHRD/2020 dated 18″ March 2020, it has been decided as follows:

  1. All ongoing examinations of the board for classes-X and XII, being held in examination centres in India and abroad, and scheduled between 19.03.2020 to 31.3.20 (both dates inclusive), shall be rescheduled after 31st March, 2020.
  2. During the aforementioned period, re-examinations that were rescheduled to be held for North-East Delhi candidates will also be further rescheduled.
  3. All schools may ensure that this information is disseminated to all concerned students from their respective schools.
  4. Rescheduled dates will be communicated by the board to all its stakeholders by 31.03.2020 after re-assessment of the situation.
  5. All ongoing board exams related evaluation work in various evaluation centres in the country is also suspended upto 31″ March, 2020.

All Centre Nodal Supervisors may ensure rescheduling of evaluation work from 1.4.20, unless otherwise informed by the Board.

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