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CBSE Term-1 Exam is MCQ Based. So, Online Mock Tests play a very important role here. We are providing CBSE class 10 Mock Test 2021 for free. If you are preparing for CBSE first term examinations, myCBSEguide is the only mobile app that can help you score high in exams.
Class 10 Mock Test 2021
CBSE class 10 Mock Tests will certainly help you prepare for your board exams well in advance. These class 10 online mock exams are prepared by a team of expert teachers. It covers the whole term-1 syllabus of CBSE exams. Class 10 has 5 main subjects and we have mock tests for all these.
CBSE Guide is the only mobile app that will give you 10 Mock Tests even for Hindi and English subjects. The best part of this offering is, it is an online exam and you will get instant results.
Just attempt the class 10 Mock Test 2021 on myCBSEgude App and get your score with detailed analysis instantly. This analysis will help you find the areas of improvement and we are 100% sure that you will achieve a big success in your CBSE class 10 Term-1 Examinations 2021.
- Mathematics Class 10 Mock Tests
- Science Class 10 Mock Tests
- Social Science Class 10 Mock Tests
- English Class 10 Mock Tests
- Hindi A Class 10 Mock Tests
- Hindi B Class 10 Mock Tests
Why Attempt Mock Tests?
As already discussed, the exam is fully MCQ-based. You have four options and any one of them will be correct. Now the question is, how to prepare for exams so that we can get good marks.
Here Mock Tests Help you a lot. As soon as you attempt a Mock test, you get an idea about your weak areas. Before going forward with another test, you can work on these areas.
Hence, this online mock exam will not only improve your score but also boost your confidence.
Sample Papers Vs Mock Tests
The traditional way to prepare for exams is to download Sample Papers and practice. Actually, what you do with the sample papers is similar to what you will do with Mock Tests. But here is a big difference. In the case of sample papers, you have to check your performance manually and it’s too time-consuming. The exams are very near, you need instant analysis so that you can move to the next step without wasting time on analysis of the answers.
Here, if you practice sample papers for subjective questions, it seems ok. But dear, 2021 exam is based on MCQs only. So, why waste time on downloading, printing, writing answers and then matching correct responses. Just attempt online Mock tests for all class 10 subjects and move ahead with the next task.
How to Attempt Mock Tests?
CBSE class 10 Mock Tests are online exams. We have 10 Mock Exams for each subject and this is more than enough to practice board exams.
Here are two methods to attempt class 1o CBSE Mock Tests online:
(1) myCBSEguide App
If you are having an android device, we suggest you go for the myCBSEguide app. And if you are a windows or apple user, you can attempt it through the student dashboard that is very similar to the mobile app.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are many questions students ask to understand the term-1 board exam pattern. Here are some of these questions:
Will CBSE ask only MCQs in the first term exam?
Yes, CBSE will ask only MCQs in the first term exam but it will include case study, assertion & reason, statement, picture and map-based questions.
Will CBSE declare pass and fail after term-1 exams?
No, CBSE will not declare pass or fail after term-1 exams but you will get Mark-sheet after that. Pass or fail will be declared based on the overall result after term-2 exams.
Are these Mock Tests free?
Yes. The first mock test in each subject is absolutely free. There are no hidden charges at all. But if you want to practice more tests, you need to buy a subscription for that.
Can we get questions from Mock Tests in actual exams?
Some questions may be similar but the purpose of these mock tests is not to promote rote learning. It’s for the purpose of analyzing the preparation and finding out areas of improvement.

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