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CBSE Class 11 Geography Syllabus 2024-25

The CBSE Class 11 Geography syllabus for 2024-25 is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the Earth’s physical features, environmental systems, and the relationship between human activities and nature. Students must follow the updated CBSE syllabus to ensure they are aligned with the official curriculum. With the most recent syllabus, students can focus on important topics, manage their study time effectively, and prepare for their exams with confidence using myCBSEGuide App. This syllabus covers key topics such as landforms, climate, water bodies, and natural hazards, helping students develop both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in geography.

Key Topics in the Class 11 Geography Syllabus:

  1. Geography as a Discipline: This section introduces students to the subject of geography, its branches, and its relevance in understanding the world. It lays the foundation for the study of both physical and human geography.
  2. The Earth: Students will study the Earth’s structure, its movements, and its geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude). This section helps students grasp the basic concepts of geophysical processes and global positioning.
  3. Landforms: This topic delves into the formation and types of landforms, including mountains, plateaus, plains, and valleys. The processes of weathering, erosion, and tectonic activity that shape these landforms are also discussed.
  4. Climate and Natural Vegetation: The syllabus covers various climate zones across the world, such as tropical, temperate, and polar climates. It also examines the relationship between climate and the distribution of natural vegetation across different regions.
  5. Natural Hazards and Disasters: This section explains the causes, impacts, and mitigation measures for natural hazards such as earthquakes, floods, cyclones, and volcanic eruptions. Students will learn about the global distribution of such hazards and their effects on human life.
  6. Water (Oceans): Focusing on Earth’s water bodies, this topic covers oceans, seas, and rivers. Students will study the properties of water, ocean currents, tides, and the significance of water in global ecosystems and climate regulation.

Why Stay Updated with the Syllabus?

To perform well in CBSE Class 11 Geography, it is essential for students to follow the most recent syllabus, ensuring they cover all relevant topics. Access to updated resources helps students focus on important areas, plan their studies effectively, and prepare with a structured approach. Download the syllabus from our website myCBSEguide now to start preparing and ensure success in your exams.

By staying aligned with the official curriculum, students can achieve a comprehensive understanding of geographical concepts and be well-prepared for the exams. The latest syllabus also ensures that students stay in sync with the exam pattern, making their revision more effective and goal-oriented.

How to Prepare for Class 11 Geography Exams:

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Begin by thoroughly understanding the syllabus and creating a study plan that covers all topics. Focus on areas that require more time and attention.
  2. Use Updated Study Resources: Leverage textbooks, revision notes, and online resources that are aligned with the current syllabus. Regularly consult these materials for consistent learning.
  3. Practice with Sample Papers: Solve sample question papers and mock tests to familiarize yourself with the exam format and improve your time management skills.
  4. Revise Regularly: Geography requires regular revision. Focus on key concepts, physical processes, and global environmental patterns.
  5. Explore Real-World Applications: Relate theoretical concepts to real-world geographical phenomena, such as landform formations, weather patterns, and disaster management.

Class 11 Geography Mobile App

CBSE Class 11
Geography (Code No. 029)
Syllabus (2024-25)

Prescribed Books:

  1. Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Class XI, Published by NCERT
  2. India Physical Environment, Class XI, Published by NCERT
  3. Practical Work in Geography Part I, Class XI, Published by NCERT

Links for Rationalised 2024-25 NCERT textbooks:



  1. The above textbooks are also available in Hindi medium.
  2. Kindly refer to the latest editions of all NCERT Textbooks.


Fundamentals of Phycal Geography

Chapter No. Chapter Name Periods Weightage
Unit-I: Geography as a discipline
1 Geography as a discipline 5 3
Unit-II: The Earth 9
2 The Origin and Evolution of the Earth 6
3 Interior of the Earth 6
4 Distribution of oceans and continents 5
Unit – III Landforms
5 Geomorphic Processes 9 6
6 Landform and their Evolution 9
Unit – IV Climate 8
7 Composition and Structure of Atmosphere 3
8 Solar Radiation, Heat balance and Temperature 7
9 Atmospheric Circulations and Weather Systems 7
10 Water in the Atmosphere 4
11 World Climate and Climate Change (To be tested through internal assessments in the form of project and presentation) 5
Unit – V Water (Ocean)
12 Water (Oceans) 6 4
13 Movements of Ocean Water 8
Unit – VI Life on the Earth
14 Biodiversity and Conservation (To be tested through internal assessments in the form of project and presentation) 4
Map Work 5 5
Total 89 35

India Physical Environment

Chapter No. Chapter Name Periods Weightage
Unit-I Introduction
1 India-Location 5 5
Unit-II Physiography
2 Structure and Physiography 18 13
3 Drainage System 14
Unit-III Climate Vegetation and Soil
4 Climate 16 12
5 Natural Vegetation 14
Unit-IV Natural Hazards and Disasters: Causes Consequences and Management
6 Natural Hazards and Disasters (To be tested through internal assessment in the form of Projects and presentation) 6
Map 5 5
Total 78 35

Geography Practical Part I

Chapter No. Chapter Name Periods Marks allotted
1 Introduction to Maps 6 3
2 Map Scale 6 4
3 Latitude Longitude and Time 8 4
4 Map Projections 10 4
5 Topographical Maps 10 4
6 Introduction to Remote Sensing 10 6
Practical file and Viva 5
Total 50 30


Part A: Fundamentals of Physical Geography
Chapter 1: Geography as a Discipline

  • To define and understand the scope and nature of Geography as a discipline.

Chapter 2: The Origin and Evolution of the Earth

  • To acquire knowledge about earth’s origin through various theories.
  • To understand stages in the evolution of the earth.

Chapter 3: Interior of the Earth

  • To understand that the configuration of the surface of the earth is largely a product of the exogenic and endogenic processes operating in the interior of the earth.

Chapter 4: Distribution of seas and oceans

  • To describe the theory of continental drift proposed by Alfred Wegner.
  • To understand the present configuration of continents and oceans through plate tectonics theory.

Chapter 5: Geomorphic Processes

  • To understand various exogenic and endogenic processes responsible to bring changes in the configuration of the surface of the earth.

Chapter 6: Landforms and their Evolution

  • To understand the nature of different erosional and depositional agents and landforms made by them.

Chapter 7: Composition and Structure of Atmosphere

  • To understand the composition and structure atmosphere.

Chapter 8: Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature

  • To understand the heating and cooling of the atmosphere and the resultant temperature distribution over the surface of the earth.

Chapter 9: Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems

  • To understand the general atmospheric circulation and the forces that control the circulation.
  • To understand the meaning of various terms related to the topic.
  • To know the causes and consequences of air circulation.

Chapter 10: Water in the Atmosphere

  • To understand continuous exchange of water between the atmosphere, the oceans and the continents through the processes of evaporation, transpiration, condensation and precipitation.

Chapter 11: World Climate and Climate Change (To be tested through internal assessments in the form of project and presentation)

  • To define three broad approaches that have been adopted for classifying climate – Empirical Classification, Genetic Classification, and Applied Classification.
  • To Describe various types of climates and their groups/subtypes.
  • To analyse Koeppen’s Scheme of Classification of Climate.
  • To explain climate change and related concepts.
  • To evaluate the climate changes in the recent past.

Chapter 12: Water (Oceans)

  • To explain water cycle and summarize how an increase in demand for water leads to a water crisis.
  • To Illustrate major and minor ocean floor features. (midoceanic ridges, seamounts, submarine canyons, guyots, and atolls)
  • To describe horizontal and vertical distribution of oceanic temperature.
  • To evaluate the factors affecting the salinity of ocean waters.

Chapter 13: Movements of Ocean Water

  • To define and differentiate between tides and currents.
  • To describe the formation of sea waves.
  • To analyse the importance of tides.
  • To classify and describe major ocean currents and its effects.

Chapter 14: Biodiversity and Conservation

  • To explain the three major realms of the environment.
  • To explain the concept of ecology.
  • To analyse the features and types of aquatic ecosystems and biomes, with examples.

India Physical Environment

Chapter 1: India-Location

  • To understand the geographical location of India and its significance.

Chapter 2: Structure and Physiography

  • To understand the evolution of different geological structures in India.
  • To acquire knowledge about physiographic divisions and their subdivisions

Chapter 3: Drainage System

  • To understand the drainage system and drainage patterns of Indian rivers.
  • To understand the extent of use ability of river water and the problems associated with it.

Chapter 4: Climate

  • To understand Indian monsoon: and its mechanism.
  • To list the weather conditions that prevail during different seasons.
  • To analyse the variation in distribution of rainfall in India.

Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation

  • To understand the relationship between vegetation belts and the climate.

Chapter 6: Natural Hazards and Disasters (To be tested through internal assessment in the form of Projects and presentation)

  • To make students aware about natural hazards and disasters happening in various parts of the country, their impact and ways to mitigate the damage caused by them.

Map Items for locating and labelling on outline political World Map
Fundamentals of Physical Geography

Map Work

Chapter 4: Distribution of oceans and continents

  • Political Map of all Continents of the world.
  • Major Oceans of the world: Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean
  • Major lithospheric plates and Minor lithospheric plates, Ring of fire (Pacific Ocean), Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Chapter 9: Atmospheric Circulations and Weather Systems
Major Hot Deserts of the world:

  • Mojave Desert- Nevada, US
  • Patagonian Desert- Argentina
  • Sahara- Africa
  • Gobi Desert- Mongolia, Asia
  • Thar desert-India
  • Great Victoria desert- Australia

Chapter 12: Water (Oceans)

  • Major Seas
  • Black sea
  • Baltic sea
  • Caspian Sea
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • North Sea
  • Red sea
  • Bay of Fundy (Canada)-Famous for the highest tides in the world

Chapter 13: Movements of Ocean Water
OCEAN CURRENTS-Cold currents

  • Humboldt c.
  • California c.
  • Falkland c.
  • Canaries c.
  • West Australian c.
  • Oyashio c.
  • Labrador c.

Warm currents

  • Alaska c.
  • Brazilian c.
  • Aughlas c.
  • Kuroshio c.
  • Gulf stream c.

Chapter 14: Biodiversity and Conservation
Ecological hotspots

  • Eastern Himalaya, India
  • Western ghats, India
  • Indonesia, Asia
  • Eastern Madagascar, Africa
  • Upper Guinean forests, Africa
  • Atlantic forest, Brazil
  • Tropical Andes

Map Items for locating and labelling on outline political map of India
India Physical Environment

Map Work

Chapter 1: India- Location

  • Latitudinal extent of India
  • Longitudinal extent of India
  • Standard Meridian of India
  • Important latitude passing through India (Tropic of Cancer)
  • Southern Most Point of main land of India (Kanya Kumari)

Chapter 2: Structure and Physiography

  • Mountains: Karakoram Range, Garo- Khasi- Jaintia hills, Aravalli Range, Vindhyan Range, Satpura Range, Western ghats & Eastern ghats
  • Peaks: K2, Kanchenjunga, Nandadevi, Nanga Parvat, Namcha Barwa and Anaimud
  • Passes: Shipkila, Nathula, Palghat, Bhor ghat and Thal ghat
  • Plateaus: Malwa, Chhotnagpur, Meghalaya and Deccan Plateau.
  • Coastal Plains: Saurashtra, Konkan, North and South Kanara, Malabar, Coromandel and Northern Circars
  • Islands: Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands

Chapter 3: Drainage System

  • Rivers: Brahmaputra, Indus, Satluj, Ganga, Yamuna, Chambal, Damodar Mahanadi, Krishna, Kaveri, Godavari, Narmada, Tapti and Luni
  • Lakes: (Identification)Wular, Sambhar, Chilika, Kolleru, Pulicat & Vembanad
  • Straits, Bays, Gulfs: Palk Strait, Rann of Kachch, Gulf of Kachch, Gulf of Mannar & Gulf of Khambat

Chapter 4: Climate

  • Area with highest temperature in India
  • Area with lowest temperature in India
  • Area with highest rainfall in India
  • Area with lowest rainfall in India

Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation
(Identification on an outline map of India) Tropical evergreen, Tropical deciduous, Tropical thorn, Montane and Littoral/Swamp forests. Wildlife reserves: (locating and labeling)

  • National Parks: Corbett, Kaziranga, Ranthambore. Shivpuri, Simlipal
  • Bird Sanctuaries: Keoladev Ghana and Ranganathitto
  • Wild life Sanctuaries: Periyar, Rajaji, Mudumalai, Dachigam,

Guidelines for Internal Assessment/Geography Practical

  1. A practical file must be prepared by students covering all the topics prescribed in the practical syllabus.
  2. The file should be completely handwritten with a cover page, index page and acknowledgment.
  3. All practical works should be drawn neatly with appropriate headings, scale, index etc. Data can be taken from the NCERT text book.
  4. The practical file will be assessed at the time of term end practical examinations.
  5. A written exam of 25 marks will be conducted based on prescribed practical syllabus.
  6. Viva will be conducted based on practical syllabus only.
  7. Written Exam – 25 Marks
  8. Practical file – 03 Marks
  9. Viva – 02 Marks

CBSE Syllabus 2024-25

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How to Download the CBSE Class 11 Geography Syllabus 2024-25

To download the CBSE Class 11 Geography Syllabus from myCBSEguide, follow these steps:

  1. Visit myCBSEguide website.
  2. Use the search bar to find “Class 11 Geography Syllabus.”
  3. Click on the relevant syllabus link for the 2024-25 session.
  4. Download the syllabus in PDF format by clicking the download button.

Alternatively, install the myCBSEguide App from Google Play or the App Store, log in, and download the syllabus directly from the app.

Frequently Asked Question:

When will the CBSE 2025 syllabus be released?

The CBSE 2025 syllabus has already been released by the board. Students can now access the updated syllabus for all subjects, including the CBSE Class 11 Geography Syllabus 2024-25. This syllabus is available in PDF format, offering a convenient way for students to download and review the topics they need to focus on in preparation for their exams.

For those aiming to excel in their studies, it’s essential to stay informed and use reliable study resources. The myCBSEguide website provides the latest syllabus for all CBSE subjects, helping students stay aligned with the curriculum. The myCBSEguide App platform also offers a range of educational materials such as sample papers, chapter-wise test papers, NCERT solutions, and revision notes, all designed to streamline exam preparation.

Additionally, educators can take advantage of the Examin8 App and Examin8 Website to create customized mock tests and practice papers tailored to their students’ needs.

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