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CBSE class 11 National Cadet Corps New Syllabus 2018-19 in PDF format for free download. National Cadet Corps syllabus for 2018 2019 class 11 CBSE is now available in myCBSEguide app. The curriculum for March 2019 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT text books for the session 2018-19.


CBSE class 11 National Cadet Corps New Syllabus 2018-19

  1. The training curriculum of the NCC is primarily focused towards character building, inculcating leadership qualities and skill enhancement through structured academic syllabi, practical training and opportunity of exposure/interaction beyond a cadet’s immediate environment and thereby enabling them for a brighter and progressive future.
  2. The Aim of NCC is as listed below:
    1. To develop character, comradeship, discipline, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and the ideals of selfless service amongst the youth of the country.
    2. To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation.
    3. To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces.
  3. Conduct of Training: The NCC training curriculum is conducted as under:
    1. Institutional Training. Conducted in respective schools/ colleges by Associate NCC Officers (ANO), Permanent Instructional (PI) staff as part of the school curriculum.
    2. Annual Training Camps (ATC). To provide practical outdoor training, each NCC cadet attends 10 days camp in the second year of junior and senior division. These camps are conducted by respective NCC units.
    3. Centrally Organized Camps (COC). These camps are conducted at all India level, as National Integration Camps, attended by cadets from all states.
    4. Adventure Training. To inculcate a spirit of adventure and team work, NCC cadets undergo various adventure activities such as para jumps, para sailing, trekking, mountaineering and sailing expeditions.
    5. Attachment Camps. To give the cadets exposure to interact with Regular Army, Navy and Air Force units, attachment camps are conducted, where cadets are attached with these units. To motivate cadets to join the Armed Forces attachment of cadets with Indian Military Academy is also conducted.
    6. Youth Exchange Programme (YEP). Selected cadets also get an opportunity to visit various foreign countries as part of YEP. In one year approximately100 cadets visit 10 -11 countries.
    7. Social Service Activities. The cadets also undertake various social service activities, by conduct of rallies to bring awareness and participate in various relief programmes/activities whenever called for.
  4. Trainers – To conduct and implement the NCC training curriculum, there are three tiers of trainers.
    1. First Tier: It comprises of regular defence officers of the rank of Colour equitant rank in Air Force and Navy, Whole Time Lady Officers (WTLO) and Civilian Gliding Instructors (CGI).They are responsible for coordination and supervision of training and conduct of camps.
    2. Second Tier: Professors and teachers nominated by respective schools and colleges and trained by NCC at its NCC Officers Training Academy and on completion of Pre–Commission Course, commissioned as Associated NCC Officer (ANO) form the most important link between the cadetsand NCC. They conduct most of the theory classes of non specialized subjects. Besides the Pre Commission training they attend refresher courses.
    3. Third Tier: The Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO) and Non–Commissioned Officers (NCO) from the three services and Girl Cadet Instructors (GCI) and Ship Model Instructors (SMI) conduct the specialized training of the cadets.
  5. Eligibility for Enrolments as Cadet.
    1. Should be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal.
    2. Should be on the roll of the school or college which has an NCC Unit or part thereof.
    3. The cadet should be within the age as mentioned below:-
      1. Junior Division – Not less than 13 years and below 18 years and 6 months.
      2. Senior Division – Should be below the age of 26 years.
  6. NCC Syllabus. The syllabus includes common subjects for all three wings and specialized subjects with respect to Army, Air Force and Navy. The common subjects comprise of approximately 70% and specialized service is 30% of the curriculum.
  7. In addition to this syllabus, cadets attend one Annual Training Camp in the second year of junior and senior division to be eligible to appear in Part A and Part B certificate examination.
  8. Cadets willing to pursue for Part C Certificate will have to attend third year senior division in the college.

Evaluation System

  1. NCC presently conducts three certificate examinations, these evaluations are conducted as a written paper for theory and practical in the second year of junior division for Part ‘A’ and in the second and third year of senior division for Part ‘B’ and ‘C’. The setting of papers and evaluations for Part ‘A’ and ‘B’ examinations are done by a board of officers at NCC Group Head Quarters headed by an officer of the rank of Brigadier and Part ‘C’ Examination at NCC state Directorate level headed by a officer of the rank of Major General.
  2. Recommended evaluation pattern for NCC as an additional / elective subject in the schools affiliated with CBSE is as follows:
    1. Internal Examinations for class IX (JD) and class XI (SD) be conducted by respective ANO’s and PI staff under the supervision of respective Commanding Officers of NCC unit. Marks included in the cadets’ report card by concerned school.
    2. Part ‘A’ examination paper be set at state Directorate level and evaluated by Board of Officers at Group Headquarters. Copy of the result in respect of CBSE schools be forwarded to CBSE Board as performance evaluation of class X cadet.
    3. Part ‘B’ examination paper be set at HQ DG NCC level and evaluated by Board of Officers at Group Headquarters. Copy of the result in respect of CBSE schools be forwarded to CBSE Board as performance evaluation of class XII cadet. The result sheet in addition to the NCC cadet number will also have CBSE roll number. The marks obtained be included in the CBSE Board certificate and ‘C’ Certificate be issued by concerned State Directorate.
    4. Part ‘A’ and ‘B’ exams to be conducted in the month of February, before the commencement of the main exams of the students. Respective exams to be conducted on a same date all over India. The schedule of examination to be approved by HQ, DG, NCC and forwarded to CBSE for inclusion in examination schedule.
  3. Study Material
    1. Textbooks
      1. Cadet Hand Book (Common Subjects), Published by DG NCC.
      2. Cadet Hand Book (Specialized Subjects), Published by DG NCC.
      3. ANO Précis
    2. Reference Books
      1. Grooming Tomorrow’s Leaders, Published by DG, NCC.
      2. Youth in Action, Published by DG, NCC.
      3. The Cadet, Annual Journal of the NCC.
      4. Précis Issued by respective Service Headquarters on specialized subject available to PI Staff as reference material.
  4. Detailed syllabus with respect to Junior Division for class 9 and 10 , Senior Division class 11 and 12 listed in Part One to Part Three of the document.
    1. Part One – Junior Division Syllabus for class IX and X.
    2. Part Two – Senior Division Syllabus for class XI and XII.
    3. Part Three – Annual Training Camp Syllabus for class X (JD) and class XII ( SD).



The National Cadet Corps (NCC) came into existence on 16 July 1948 under an act of Parliament. Its motto “Unity and Discipline” has guided the NCC in its long standing effort to mould young volunteers into disciplined and responsible young citizens of India. Over the years, in response to the evolving environment, the NCC’s initial military orientation has been augmented by including aspects of social service and adventure training.

India is on a high growth trajectory. The future belongs to its youth which comprises 55% of the population. If we are to fully realize our potential we must develop training infrastructure that can instil vigour in the young and bolster their confidence whilst retaining a sense of purpose, honour and patriotic service. The NCC ideal “Empowerment of Youth”, reflects our commitment to work for a healthy, prosperous and strong India.


  • Train volunteer youth to become confident, committed and competent leaders in all walks of life.
  • Enhance awareness levels of cadets to become empowered and responsible citizens of the country.
  • Provide opportunities and encourage cadets to enrich their knowledge, develop communication skills and build character.
  • Conduct social and community development programmes, to educate and make constructive contributions towards society.
  • Undertake adventure activities to hone leadership qualities and risk taking abilities.
  • Provide a platform to launch ‘Good Will Ambassadors’ to project the image of the country overseas.
  • Conduct military training to develop awareness to develop awareness about Armed Forces, leadership skills and military values and thus, provide an environment to motivate cadets to join the Armed Forces.


CBSE class 11 National Cadet Corps New Syllabus 2018-19

S. No Unit Marks Periods
Part 1 : Common Subjects
1 The NCC 04 03
2 National Integration and Awareness 05 06
3 Drill 08 16
4 Weapon Training 09 12
5 Personality Development and Leadership 06 10
6 Disaster Management 03 03
7 Social Awareness and Community Development 06 05
8 Health and Hygiene 02 05
9 Adventure Training and Obstacle 04 04
10 Environment Awareness and Conservation 02 02
Total 49 66
Part 2 A : Special Subjects (Army) Marks Periods
1 Armed Forces 02 04
2 Map reading 06 07
3 Field Craft and Battle Craft 06 05
4 Introduction to Information of Weapon Equipment 02 02
5 Military History 02 03
6 Communication 03 03
Total 21 24
Part 2 B : Special Subjects (Navy) Marks Periods
1 Naval Orientation 06 08
2 Naval Communication 04 03
3 Seamanship 02 01
4 Rigging 02 03
5 Boat Work 02 04
6 Ship and Boat Modelling 02 02
7 Search and Rescue 02 01
8 Swimming 01 02
 Total 21 24
Part 2 C : Special Subjects (Air Force) Marks Periods
1 General Service Knowledge 02 02
2 Principle of Flight 04 03
3 Airmanship 04 06
4 Aero-Engines 01 01
5 Air Frame 01 02
6 Instruments 02 02
7 Aircraft Particulars 02 02
8 Aero modelling 05 06
9 Flying (Shared with Principle of Flight) 0 0
Total 21 24

(Detailed Syllabus)

CBSE class 11 National Cadet Corps New Syllabus 2018-19

Total Marks: 70
Total Periods: 66

Unit 1: National Cadet Corps 3 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Aims and objectives of NCC After going through this unit, the student/ learner would
be able to:

  • Gain an insight into the aims and objectives of NCC.
  • Explore the importance of NCC in nation building.
  • Appreciate the spirit of patriotism in the organization.
Organization, training and the NCC Song
  • Understand the organizational hierarchy of NCC.
  • Understand the feeling of patriotism for motherland is evoked by the NCC song ‘Hum sab bharatiya hain….’
  • Assess the different functional bodies and their roles in the organization
  • Appreciate the systematic organizational structure of NCC.
  • Acquire knowledge about the incentives offered by different states in India.
  • Compare the state-wise incentives.
  • Appreciate the efforts of the individual states to promote NCC.

Unit 2: National Integration 6 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Religions, culture, traditions and customs of
After going through this unit, the student/ learner would
be able to:

  • Develop an insight into the religion, cultural and tradition of India.
  • Understand the impact of different races that came and left a mark here.
  • Analyse the religo-cultural diversity of the country and its impact on the lives of the people and their beliefs.
  • Appreciate the spirit of oneness despite the diversity.
National Integration: Importance and
  • Understand the concept of National Integration and its importance.
  • Assess the different areas that bring out the necessity of National Integration.
  • Appreciate the spirit of National Integration in the citizens of India.
Freedom struggle and nationalist
movements in India
  • Acquire knowledge of freedom struggle and nationalist movements in India.
  • Make an in depth analysis of each movement and its impact on the freedom struggle.
  • Appreciate the role of all the freedom fighters, sung unsung.

Unit 3: Drill 16 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Foot Drill
  • After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
  • Develop an insight into the aims and objectives Drills at NCC.
  • Comprehend the different instructions to be followed by a cadet during foot drill.
  • Appreciate the grace and dignity in the performance of foot drill.
Arms Drill
  • Understand the technical terms their meaning and use them training with Arms.
  • Assess the different steps to be followed while arms drill is conducted.
  • Appreciate the importance of arms drill.
Ceremonial Drill
  • Acquire knowledge of guard mounting.
  • Analyze the preparations required for guard mounting.
  • Appreciate the importance of ceremonial drills in NCC training schedule.

Unit 4: Weapon Training 12 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Weapon training After going through this unit, the student/ learner would
be able to:

  • Have an insight into weapon training for NCC cadets.
  • Understand and apply knowledge in:
    • the characteristics of a rifle and its ammunition.
    • Stripping, assembling, care and cleaning of .22 Rifle and 7.62 SLR.
    • Loading, cocking and unloading
    • Different positions for holding and aiming
    • Group and snap shooting.
  • Analyse the importance of becoming a skilled shooter.
  • Develop the qualities of patience and confidence; and become better individuals.

Unit 5: Personality Development and Leadership 10 Periods


Contents Learning Outcomes
Introduction to personality development After going through this unit, the student/ learner would
be able to:

  • Understand personality of an individual and its development
  • Analyse the different factors that influence personality and shape it
  • Appreciate the diversity in personality of individuals and its influence on their behavior
  • Understand the concept of self awareness
  • Examine the factors that affect one’s self
  • Develop a sense of responsibility, smartness in appearance and improve self confidence
Communication skills
  • Understand the importance of communication in daily life
  • Examine the principles of effective communication and the barriers in communication
  • Appreciate the need of communication
Leadership traits
  • Acquaint themselves with the different types of leadership
  • Analyse the leadership traits and its effectiveness in management
  • Inculcate the leadership qualities and the respect for authority
Time management
  • Understand the importance of time and its management
  • Examine the tools for time management
  • Appreciate the value of time in one’s life

Unit 6: Disaster Management and Civil Affairs 3 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Civil defence organization and NDMA After going through this unit, the student/ learner would
be able to:

  • Understand about the civil defence organization and NDMA
  • Analyse the functioning of the body during the times of distress
  • Appreciate the preparedness of the organisation in the hour of need and during any emergency.
Types of emergencies and natural disasters
  • Understand the types of emergencies and natural disasters.
  • Examine the causes and effects of natural disasters.
  • Learn about national emergencies.
  • Infer the concept of disaster management.
Assistance during natural and other
calamities: Floods, cyclones, earth quakes,
  • Understand about the assistance during natural and other calamities.
  • Analyse the DO’s and DONT’s during any natural disaster and other calamity.
  • Appreciate the role of NDMA in disaster management

Unit 7: Social Awareness and Community Development 5 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Basics of social service and Its need After going through this unit, the student/ learner would
be able to:

  • Understand the concept of social service.
  • Analyse the need for social service for the development of a society.
  • Develop sensitivity towards the social issues
Rural development programmes
  • Understand the need for rural development
  • Examine the programmes implemented by the Government- MNREGA, SGSY and NSAP
  • Appreciate the role of the government in rural development
Contribution of youth towards social welfare
  • Understand the social problems faced by the society
  • Analyse the causes and the impact of these social problems on the well-being of the society
  • Appreciate the contribution of youth towards social welfare.
Civic responsibility
  • Understand the meaning of the term ‘Civic Responsibility’
  • Able to enlist these responsibilities
  • Able to appreciate the importance of abiding by them
Causes and prevention of HIV AIDS
  • Understand the causes and prevention of HIV AIDS
  • Analyse the role of the Government bodies and NGO’s in its prevention
  • Become aware of the role of youth in its prevention and awareness amongst the people

Unit 8: Health and Hygiene 5 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Structure and function of the human body
  • After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
  • Develop an insight into the structure and function of the human body
  • Analyse the role played by each organ system in our body.
  • Awareness of the need to maintain the basic levels of personal hygiene.
Hygiene and sanitation
  • Understand the importance of personal hygiene and sanitation in our day to day life.
  • Examine the ways of maintaining personal and food hygiene.
  • Realize the importance of sanitation and proper waste disposal.
Infectious and contagious diseases and its prevention
  • Understand about different infectious and contagious diseases.
  • Examine the causes of Infectious and contagious diseases.
  • Appreciate the measures to be taken to prevent these diseases.

Unit 9: Adventure and Obstacle Training 4 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Slithering After going through this unit, the student/ learner
would be able to:

  • Understand about the concept of slithering
  • Analyse the process of slithering in detail.
  • Acquire the perfection to face difficult situations with ease.
Obstacle training
  • Understand about obstacle training.
  • Analyse the process of such training and precautions to be taken during the training.
  • Appreciate the role of this training in overall personality building of the cadet for life.

Unit 10: Environment Awareness and Conservation 2 Periods

Contents Learning Outcomes
Natural resources- conservation and
After going through this unit, the student/ learner would
be able to:

  • Understand about conservation and management of natural resources.
  • Analyse the need and importance to conserve the natural resources.
  • Appreciate the concept of sustainable development.
Water conservation and rain water harvesting
  • Understand the need for water conservation.
  • Examine the methods that can be used for conservation of water and rain water harvesting.
  • Infer the importance of rain water harvesting.


Total Marks: 30
Total Periods: 24

Unit-1: Armed Forces 04 Periods

Aim: To acquaint cadets with the Armed Forces

Scope: Introductory and general information about the Armed Forces

  • Basic organization of Armed Forces
  • Organisation of the Army
  • Badges and Ranks

Unit-2: Map Reading 07 Periods

Aim: To teach cadets elementary map reading

Scope: Basic understanding of map sheets and map reading instruments and development of capability to use them to carry out simple map reading

  • Introduction to types of maps and conventional signs.
  • Scales and grid system
  • Topographical forms and technical terms
  • Relief, contours and gradients
  • Cardinal points and types of North
  • Types of bearings and use of service protractor
  • Prismatic compass and its use and GPS

Unit-3: Field Craft and Battle Craft 05 Periods

Aim: To teach cadets elementary field craft and battle craft

Scope: Basic field craft and battle craft

  • Judging distance
  • Description of ground
  • Recognition, description and indication of land marks and targets

Unit-4: Introduction to Infantry Weapons and Equipment 02 Periods

Aim: To introduce cadets to Infantry Weapons

Scope: Introduction to characteristics and capabilities of Infantry Weapons

  • Characteristics of 7.62mm SLR rifle, ammunition, fire power, Stripping, assembling and cleaning

Unit 5: Military History 03 Periods

Aim: To provide knowledge of renowned Military Generals, PVCs and Indo-Pak Wars

Scope: Introduction to biographies, famous Indian battles and gallantry awards

  • Biographies of renowned generals (Carriappa/Manekshaw)
  • Indian Army war heroes

Unit-6: Communication 03 Periods

Aim: To introduce cadets to latest trends in the field of communications

Scope: Types of communications and future trends

  • Types of communication
  • Characteristics of wireless technology (mobile, Wi Fi, etc.)


Total Marks: 30
Total Periods: 24

Unit-1: Naval Orientation and service subjects 8 Periods

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about Navy

Scope: Basic knowledge, history, current organisation and role of different branches

  • History of the Navy – pre and post independence, gallantry award winners
  • Organisation of the Navy, NHQ, commands and fleets
  • Types of warships and their role.
  • Organisation of Army and Air Force
  • Ranks of officers and sailors and their equivalent in other services

Unit-2: Naval Communication 3 Periods

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about naval communication

Scope: To impart basic knowledge about naval communication organization, semaphore and wearing of flags.

  • Introduction to modern naval communication, purpose and principles
  • Semaphore

Unit-3: Seamanship

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about navigation

Scope: Basic navigation tactics and methods 1 Period

  • Parts of Anchor, cable and its identification

Unit-4: Rigging

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about ropes, rigging and shackles

Scope: Basic rope work and introduction to ropes, bends and hitches 3 Periods

  • Types of ropes and breaking strength – stowing, maintenance and securing.
  • Practical bends and hitches
  • Introduction to shackles

Unit-5: Boat Work

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about boats and its parts and steering of boats

Scope: Introduction to boats and its parts including steering of boats and boat pulling 4 Periods

  • Parts of a boat and parts of an oar
  • Instructions on boat pulling
  • Steering of boats under oars

Unit-6: Ship and boat modelling

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about ship modelling to cadets

Scope: To impart basic knowledge about ship construction and boat modelling 2 Periods

  • Principles of Ship Modelling
  • Maintenance and care of tools

Unit-7: Search and Rescue

Aim: To impart basic knowledge about search and rescue.

Scope: To impart knowledge about SAR organization and role of Coast Guard. 1 Period

  • SAR Organisation in the Indian Ocean.

Unit 8: Swimming

Aim: Each cadet must be able to swim and float

Scope: To achieve proficiency in swimming to minimum standards 2 Periods

  • Floating for 3 minutes and freestyle swimming for 50 meters


Total Marks: 21
Total Periods: 24

Unit-1: General Service Knowledge 2 Periods

Aim: To impart basic knowledge of IAF
Scope: History and Organisation of IAF

  • Development of Aviation.
  • History of IAF

Unit-2: Principles of Flight 3 Periods

Aim: To introduce principles of flight

Scope: To impart knowledge about basic principles on which aviation is based

  • Laws of Motion
  • Glossary of Terms

Unit-3: Airmanship 6 Periods

Aim: To introduce the concept of airmanship

Scope: Airfield layout, Rules of the air, ATC procedures and basics of aviation medicine.

  • Airfield Layout
  • Rules of the Air
  • Circuit Procedure
  • ATC/RT Procedure
  • Aviation Medicine

Unit-4: Aero Engines 1 Periods

Aim: To impart basic knowledge of aero engines

Scope: Introduction to aero engines

Unit-5: Airframes 2 Periods

Aim: To introduce basic structure of an aircraft

Scope: Introduction to various aircraft controls and landing gear

  • Aircraft Controls
  • Landing Gear

Unit-6: Instruments 2 Periods

Aim: To provide knowledge of aircraft instruments

Scope: To teach basics about flight instruments

  • Basic flight instruments

Unit-7: Aircraft Particulars

Aim: To provide knowledge of aircraft instruments

Scope: Knowledge about the aircraft to be flown including checks and procedures 2 Periods

  • Aircraft particular type specific

Unit-8: Aero-modelling

Aim: To provide knowledge about aero modelling

Scope: History of aero modelling, materials used in different types of models 6 Periods

  • History of aero-modelling
  • Materials used in aero-modelling
  • Types of aero-models
  • Building /Flying of aero-models

Unit-9: Flying

Aim: To impart flying training and air experience to cadets

Scope: Effects of flight controls and weather 3 Periods

  • Pre–flight briefing, checks, test
  • Start up, taxi, and take off, circuit and landing
  • Forced landing techniques

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