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CBSE Class 9 Home Science Syllabus 2024-25

The CBSE Class 9 Home Science syllabus for the 2024-25 academic session offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with essential life skills and knowledge. Topics such as Human Growth and Development, Food, Nutrition and Health, Resource Management, and Family and Values are covered to help students understand the various aspects of home science. This subject not only nurtures practical skills but also encourages students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-life situations. Students must follow the updated CBSE syllabus to ensure they are aligned with the official curriculum. With the most recent syllabus, students can focus on important topics, manage their study time effectively, and prepare for their exams with confidence using myCBSEGuide App.

Key Topics in the CBSE Class 9 Home Science Syllabus 2024-25

  1. Concept and Scope of Home Science Education
    This topic introduces students to the fundamentals of home science, focusing on its significance, history, and evolving trends in the field. It lays the groundwork for understanding the multidisciplinary nature of the subject.
  2. Human Growth & Development – I
    Students will explore the stages of human development from childhood to adolescence, focusing on physical, emotional, and psychological changes that occur at each stage.
  3. Family and Values
    This section covers the role of the family in shaping individual values, norms, and traditions. It emphasizes the importance of family life, relationships, and the development of positive values in society.
  4. Food, Nutrition, and Health
    Students will learn about the nutritional needs of the human body, the importance of balanced diets, food preparation methods, and their impact on overall health. This section promotes a better understanding of food science and healthy living.
  5. Resource Management
    This topic focuses on managing resources efficiently, including time, money, and household materials. Students will learn strategies to improve the quality of life through better management practices.

Why the CBSE Class 9 Home Science Syllabus is Important

  • Practical Life Skills: The syllabus equips students with important skills for managing household tasks, maintaining health, and fostering strong family relationships.
  • Holistic Development: By covering diverse topics, the syllabus encourages students to develop both intellectually and emotionally, preparing them for future challenges.
  • Comprehensive Understanding: The curriculum offers a structured approach, ensuring that students have a clear understanding of human development, nutrition, family dynamics, and effective resource use.

By downloading the CBSE Class 9 Home Science syllabus, students can align their study plans with the official curriculum, allowing them to focus on essential topics and improve their understanding of life sciences. Start your preparation today with the updated syllabus and be exam-ready! Download the syllabus from our website myCBSEguide now to start preparing and ensure success in your exams.

Class 9 Home Science Mobile App

CBSE Class 9
Home Science (Code No. 064)
Syllabus (2024-25)

Course Structure (Theory)

Theory: 70 Marks
 30 Marks
Time: 3 Hrs.

No. Units Marks No. of Pd.
1 Concept and scope of Home Science Education and recent trends 03 03
2 Human growth & Development – I 08 24
3 Family and Values 08 15
4 Food, Nutrition and Health 15 24
5 Fiber and Fabric 15 20
6 Resource Management 14 28
7 Measures of Safety and Management of Emergencies 07 12
Total 70 126
Practical 30 28
Grand Total 100 154

Unit I: Concept and scope of Home Science Education and recent trends

  1. Concept of Home science
  2. Fields of Home Science
  3. Relevance of study of Home Science and career options
  4. Recent trends

Unit II: Human Growth & Development-I

  1. Concept of growth and development
  2. Principles of growth and development
  3. Factors affecting growth and development (environmental and heredity)
  4. Age-specific milestones (Birth to 3 years)-Physical, motor, social, emotional, cognitive and language

Unit III: Family and Values

  1. Concept and types of family
  2. Role of family in Holistic development of an individual (Physical, Social, Psychological and Spiritual)
  3. Ethical and value-based society (need for happy family, respect and care for each member of family, Dignity of labour, work distribution within the family)
  4. Importance of Girl Child
  5. Influence of various factors on a family: Globalisation, Urbanisation, Migration, Technology and Media.

Unit IV: Food, Nutrition and Health

  1. Definition of Food, Nutrition, Nutrient, Health and Nutritional Status.
  2. Food and its functions (Physiological, Social and Psychological)
  3. Nutrients: sources and functions
  4. Relationship of Food, Health and Diseases
  5. Malnutrition: concepts and components (over nutrition and under nutrition)
  6. Concept of Balanced Diet

Unit V: Fibre and Fabric

  1. Definition of Fiber and Yarn
  2. Classification of fiber on the basis of origin and length
  3. Characteristics of fibers: feel, appearance, colour fastness, length, strength, absorbency, shrinkage, elasticity, effect of heat and sunlight.

Unit VI: Resource Management

  1. Resources: Definition and characteristics
  2. Types of resources (Human: Time, Energy, Knowledge and attitude Non-Human: Money, materialistic goods and community resources)
  3. Waste Management – Need to refuse, reduce, reuse, repair and recycle waste
  4. Proper disposal of kitchen waste (Biodegradable: Composting, Vermicomposting, Biogas and Bagass. Non-Biodegradable: Inceneration, Land fills and Recycle)

Unit VII: Measures of Safety and Management of Emergencies

  1. Accident-prone/Unsafe Zones at home
  2. Need of safety at home
  3. Measures of safety against burns, electric shocks, cuts, fractures, bites, poisoning
  4. First Aid: Concept and Importance

30 Marks

  1. Observation of physical development in a child from birth to three years
  2. Observation of motor skills in a child from birth to 3 years.
  3. Role of family members: collage / chart etc.
  4. Design educational games specific to functions or sources of nutrients.
  5. Weights and measures: Equivalents/conversions of Ounce, gram, cup, teaspoon, tablespoon, how to use a kitchen weighing scale.
  6. Identification of fruits, vegetables, spices, oils, sugars, cereals and lentils.
  7. Food processing method demonstration: Germination and Fermentation.
  8. Collection and Identification of fibre: physical charateristics and burning tests.
  9. Create a slogan or poster for proper disposal of domestic waste.
  10. Prepare a first aid kit and practice giving first aid for burns, cuts, bites, fractures, electric shocks (group activity)

Scheme For Practical Examination

a) Observation of physical development in a child from birth to three years
Observation of motor skills in a child from birth to 3 years.
3 Marks
b) Prepare and present a dish using germination OR fermentation(With fire/without fire) 7 Marks
c) Identification of fibre using physical characteristics and burning tests. 3 Marks
II. First Aid Kit 5 Marks
III. File Work 10 Marks
IV. Viva 2 Marks

CBSE Syllabus 2024-25

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How to Download the CBSE Class 9 Home Science Syllabus in PDF Format

To download the CBSE Class 9 Home Science syllabus for 2024-25 in PDF format, follow these steps:

  1. Visit a Reliable Educational Website: Look for a trusted platform myCBSEguide that provides the latest CBSE syllabus for all subjects.
  2. Navigate to the Syllabus Section: Go to the syllabus or resources section of the website, often available in the main menu or as a dedicated link.
  3. Select Class 9 and Home Science: Choose Class 9 and select Home Science to view the detailed syllabus for the upcoming academic year.
  4. Download the PDF: Once the syllabus is displayed, click the Download PDF link to save the document for easy reference during your study sessions.

Frequently Asked Question:

When will the CBSE 2025 syllabus be released?

The CBSE 2025 syllabus has already been released by the board. Students can now access the updated syllabus for all subjects, including the CBSE Class 9 Home Science Syllabus 2024-25. This syllabus is available in PDF format, offering a convenient way for students to download and review the topics they need to focus on in preparation for their exams.

For those aiming to excel in their studies, it’s essential to stay informed and use reliable study resources. The myCBSEguide website provides the latest syllabus for all CBSE subjects, helping students stay aligned with the curriculum. The myCBSEguide App platform also offers a range of educational materials such as sample papers, chapter-wise test papers, NCERT solutions, and revision notes, all designed to streamline exam preparation.

Additionally, educators can take advantage of the Examin8 App and Examin8 Website to create customized mock tests and practice papers tailored to their students’ needs.

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