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CBSE will conduct a compartment exam in July 2023. Students can apply for the same from 16th May 2023 onwards. There are some changes CBSE has made as per the NEP-2020. Let’s discuss the major changes.
Supplementary Exam
CBSE has renamed the compartment exam and improvement exam as Supplementary Exam. As suggested in NEP-2020, CBSE is now using some soft alternates as the word failed is replaced with Essential Repeat. In the same way, now CBSE will call it a supplementary exam.
CBSE will conduct the supplementary exam in the month of July. You will get the exact date within 1-2 weeks from the date of declaration of the annual exam result.
Compartment Exam
As discussed, CBSE has renamed the compartment exam to the supplementary exam. So, the compartment exam is now the supplementary exam and it will be conducted in the month of July. You can check CBSE previous year papers to get an idea about the exam.
Improvement Exam
Now, CBSE will give the option to sit for improvement of the marks too. So, it is also combined with the supplementary exam that will be held in the month of July. We have model question papers for CBSE exams. You can try them too.
Eligibility for Supplementary Exams
Class 12
Here, class XII students will get a chance to improve their performance in ONE subject in the supplementary examination.
- All the students who are placed in the Supplementary category.
- Other students who wish to improve their performance.
Class 10
Here, class X students will get a chance to improve their performance in TWO subjects in the supplementary examination.
- All the students who are placed in the Supplementary category.
- Other students who wish to improve their performance.
Supplementary Exam Syllabus
The syllabus of the supplementary exam will remain the same as the annual exam. You will get around 50-60 days to prepare again for your exams. It is fair enough to score better marks. You should start your studies and focus on the weak areas. We suggest that you must complete the NCERT book once again and then attempt some past year papers. You should also re-attempt the annual exam paper and check where you need to put more effort.
Here, myCBSEguide notes and sample papers will surely help you score good marks if you practice them on a regular basis.
Compartment Vs Annual Exam
Some people in your circle may mislead you by saying that compartment exam papers are always difficult as compared to the annual board exam papers. But it is not true. There is no difference in terms of difficulty level, syllabus coverage, marks, weightage and format of the paper. It is 100% similar.
Yes, if you would like to find any difference even after that, we have one big difference to tell. It is that the annual exam is conducted in the month of Feb-March and the compartment exam is conducted in July. That’s all. There is no other difference.
The moral of the story is that don’t take the compartment exam as a special exam. It is the same as the annual exam only. Just focus on your weak areas and practice questions as much as possible. You can win and you will definitely win.
CBSE Rechecking Form 2023
CBSE has issued rechecking forms for both classes 10 and 12. Here are the complete details regarding the rechecking process:

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