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CBSE as issued a new helpline number to answer examination related queries. Students are advised to call this toll free helpline number between 9:30 am to 5:50 pm during working days.
Call: 1800-118-004
CBSE Results 2020
CBSE has issued class 12 results on 13th July 2020 and class 10 result is also expected in next 1-2 days. This result is available in CBSE official website https://cbseresults.nic.in and UMANG App & DigiLocker.
What is RT in Report Card?
RT means Reappear in Theory OR Repeat Theory. Let’s take an example. A student gets 19/70 in theory and 27/30 in practical. His total marks in the subject are 46/100. As we know, we need to get 33% marks separately in theory and practical in class 12, the students will have to reappear in theory.
So, in that case, RT will be written along with the subject. It means the students will reappear in theory. Now it’s clear that RT is similar to compartment or improvement.
But one more thing that must be noticed is that if a student has appeared in 6 subjects (one additional) and he gets RT in any one subject, the result will be PASS. It is only because the student has passed 5 subjects. And if he gets RT in 2 subjects, he will have to appear for compartment exam.
What is Essential Repeat?
As we know, if a student gets RT in 2 or more subjects (out of 5) he has to repeat the class. So, in place of using the term FAIL, CBSE is now using the term Essential Repeat. Thus, the meaning of Essential Repeat is the same as the word fail. For more details, student can call CBSE Helpline Number 1800118004.
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