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What are objective type questions in CBSE and how to prepare for them? This is what, all CBSE students and parents want to know. myCBSEguide App has all your answers. Just download the app or login to CBSE Student Dashboard and get thousands of questions for practice. CBSE has introduced 20% objective type question in board exams. Most of the students assume that objective type questions are MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) only. The definition of objective type questions comprises many other types of questions too. This year, CBSE will ask many objective type questions along with MCQs. Here are the details of CBSE Objective Type Questions for Class 10 and class 12.

CBSE Objective Type Questions for Class 10 and 12

What are the Objective Type Questions in CBSE?

Objective type questions are those that require a specific answer. An objective question usually has only one potential correct answer and there is no option to give your own opinion. Whereas, subjective questions may have different answers and student can write their own opinion in the answer.

These questions include matching, true/false, and multiple-choice, fill-ups etc.  Such questions require no special thinking and analyzing skills. You need to recall the correct answer from your memory.

Why Objective Type Questions are preferred?

As such question have only one correct answer, there is no possibility of variation in marking of the answer by different teachers. That means, it doesn’t matter who is evaluating the answer-sheet, the student will get exactly the same marks for such questions. Most importantly, in the case of subjective questions, teacher’s point of view may reflect in the marks. On the other hand, there is no such room left in case of objective type questions. Here, correct is correct for all and wrong is wrong for all.

List of Objective Type Questions

  • Multiple Choice Questions: It is the most commonly used objective type question format. It includes one question with four options out of which only one is correct. So, students have to choose the correct option.
  • Multiple Response Questions: This question format is not much popular in schools. It is similar to MCQ type question but with more than one correct option. Students have to choose all correct options. This format is mostly used in entrance exams and recruitment exams.
  • Fill in the Blanks: It is a well-known question-type format. Here, students are given some sentences with one or more blanks and students have to fill the blanks with most suitable words. Most of the time, hint options are also provided to the students.
  • True and False: As the name suggests, this format comprises some statements and students have to mark if the statement is right or wrong. Although, CBSE does not ask such questions in higher classes but we advise students to get some basic understanding of these questions.
  • Matching Questions: In this format, two columns are given with some facts. Students have to match the facts given in the first column to that of the second column. For example, the first column may have date of births and the second column have the name of leaders. Now, students will have to match the date of birth with the name of the leader correctly.
  • Assertion and Reason: Assertion is a statement sentence and reason is an explanation of the statement. Now students have to read both the sentences and find if both are correct and the reason is good enough to explain the assertion statement. Let’s understand with an example:
    Assertion: Food cans are coated with tin not zinc.
    Reason: Zinc is more reactive than tin.
    Here, both the statements are correct and the reason is good enough to satisfy the assertion.

myCBSEguide App is adding new questions on these formats. It is advised to download the app and practice the questions as much as possible.

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