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CBSE has revised the pass criteria for the session 2018-2019. As per the updated examination rules, CBSE class 10 board exam will be conducted for 100 marks including theory and practical (internal assessment). The students have to score 33% marks out of 100 marks to pass the exam. The clause to pass theory and practical (internals) separately has been discontinued. Thus, student scoring 33 marks out of 100 will be declared pass even if he/she gets less marks in theory or practical.
Passing Exam is now Easy in class 10
Earlier, this rule was adopted as one time relief to those class 10 students who were first time board examinees after scrapping CCE in 2018. As those students were habitual of giving exam out of 50% syllabus only, they have to sit in exam with questions from whole book. Thus, for them the syllabus was just two times in March 2018. CBSE examined the whole process and result pattern in year 2018 and decided to continue the one time relief this year too. Now passing the board exam in 2019 is very easy for low scoring students too.
Failed in Theory, No Problem CBSE will Pass You
As per the new rule, students will have to obtain 33% marks out of overall 100 marks. We know that in most of the subjects, it is 20 marks practical and 80 marks theory. Earlier student have to score 33% separately in theory and practical. It means, if a student would have scored 20 marks in practical and 25 marks in Theory, he/she would be declared fail even after getting 45/100 marks.
Now take the same is new scenario, if a students scores 20 marks in practical and only 13/80 marks in theory, he/she will be declared pass as he/she has got 33/100. On comparing both the cases, you will find that student scoring 45/100 was declared failed earlier but now student scoring 13/80 will be declared pass.
CBSE Sample Papers 2018-2019 Board Exam
CBSE model question papers for March 2019 exam are now available in myCBSEguide Mobile App. Download the app and find all the latest sample papers with solution to study on the go. Revising the syllabus and preparing for exams was never this much easy. Just download the app, select your class & subjects and start preparing for exams.
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