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CBSE private form for 2018-19 are available in CBSE official website from 23rd October 2018. Last date without late fee is 17th November 2018. The private candidate forms will be filled online in CBSE official website. Here are the details and link to fill the form.
Private forms for class 10 (eligibility and fee)
Private forms for Class 12 (eligibility and fee)
Link to fill online CBSE Private Form
CBSE has issued private forms for class 10 and class 12 board exams 2019.
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CBSE Private form last date 2019
In 2018, the forms are made available on 23rd October 2018 and last date without late fee is 17th November 2018 without late fee. Student can fill CBSE private candidate form with late fee of Rs.5000/- till 14th December 2018.
Eligibility Criteria for Private forms
Let’s understand who can apply for exams as private candidate. The private exam is not open to all. Here is the list of categories who can apply as private candidates. For more details kindly wait for the final notification.
- Failed students in CBSE class 10 and 12
- Compartment students in class 10 and 12
- Passed but applying for improvement
- Teacher serving in educational institution affiliated to the Board and has qualified Class X or an equivalent examination in 2017 or earlier.
- Candidate who had completed regular course of studies and had been allotted Roll No. for appearing at AISSCE examination but could not appear for the Class XII examination due to medical reasons except shortage of attendance.
- Candidate who has passed Board examination can apply for an Additional subject from the list of subjects enclosed, within 06 years of passing the examination (candidates passed in 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018 are eligible to apply). However, candidate cannot apply for a subject involving practical work. Candidates are allowed to take subjects having project component.
- Women candidate who is a bonafide resident of the National Capital Territory of Delhi and has qualified Class X or an equivalent examination from any recognized Board in 2017 or earlier. Women candidates who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi.
Exam centre choice
The best part of this process is, student can change exam centre region as per his/her current postal address. It means if you appeared in board exam from Chennai region but low residing in Jaipur, you can get Ajmer region for sitting in the exam this year as private candidate. You will be allotted exam centre nearest available to your postal address.
Steps to Apply as private candidate
All students have to follow all the steps one by one to complete the process else your application will be rejected. Here are the steps.
- Apply Online and fill the form in CBSE website.
- Deposit the fee online.
- Print the confirmation page.
- Sign the confirmation page and send it with all documents to CBSE regional office by post.
CBSE Private form Fees
CBSE will charge Rs.900/- for 5 subjects and Rs.180/- each for additional subject. Compartment or improvement candidates will be charged Rs.200/- per subject.
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