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CBSE Question Paper 2009 Class 12 Home Science conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in the month of March 2009. CBSE previous year question papers with the solution are available in myCBSEguide mobile app and website. The Best CBSE App for students and teachers is myCBSEguide which provides complete study material and practice papers to CBSE schools in India and abroad.

CBSE Question Paper 2009 Class 12 Home Science

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CBSE Question Paper 2009 Class 12 Home Science

CBSE Question Paper 2009 Class 12 Home Science

General Instructions:

  • All questions are compulsory.
  • Marks for each question are indicated against it.
  • Read each question carefully and answer to the point.
  • All parts of a question should be attempted together.

1. State the number to doses and the age at which measles vaccine is given to the child [1]

2. Define object permanence. [1]

3. When is ORS given to a person? [1]

4. Give two tips for storing cotton sarees. [1]

5. Define Income. [1]

6. List two foods that are usually adulterated with Kesari dal. Give its one injurious effect on health. [2]

7. Name two dishes rich in carbohydrates. State two important functions of this nutrient for infants. [2]

8. State two effects of horizontal lines in a garment, on the appearance of the body. [2]

9. List four objectives of ICDS. [2]

10. Compare two main symptoms of cholera and diarrhea. [2]

11. Differentiate between Money Income and Real Income. [2]

12. State two reasons for the need for washing woolens with “kneading and squeezing” method.

Also, tell about the water and soap requirements for washing wool. [2]

13. Anuradha needs to earn a living. Suggest to her four different ways by which she can use her knowledge of food and nutrition and child development to earn more money. [2]

14. Give the full form of the standardization marks given to biscuits and jam. Name two more products bearing the same standardization marks. [2]

15. Enumerate two major problems faced by consumers. Give one solution to each of these problems. [2]

16. State two typical symptoms of Measles and two important points for the care of the patient. [2]

17. State four important points to be kept in mind while modifying a meal for different individuals. [2]

18. Give two ways of expressing size on the label of a readymade garment. [2]

19. List 6 important rules of personal hygiene essentially to be followed while cooking food [3]

20. Define Socialization. Enlist two similarities in the roles of parent and teacher as agent s of socialization of young children. [3]

21. Elaborate five principles of meal planning and state why they are important. [3]

22. Present six problems a child with partial sight would encounter in a regular class. [3]

23. State six essential features that a crèche should provide. [3]

24. Your sister is going to purchase jam. Elaborate six instructions you will give to her to select a good quality jam. [3]

25. Elaborate six advantages and disadvantages of investing in Shares and Bonds. [3]

26. List six important points you will keep in mind while buying a readymade woolen coat for yourself [3]

27. Give three tips on color and design for selecting a shirt for a short and a plump teenager. [3]

28. A family wants to buy a big refrigerator in 6 years time. Suggest and briefly explain to them 2 schemes for safe investment of their savings. Give two advantages of each scheme. [4]

29. Rita’s silk blouse has an unknown stain on it. Name the method and give steps of the procedure she should follow to remove the stain. [4]

30. You are having a large gathering in your house. To provide safe water for drinking, which method would be more suitable, boiling or using chlorine tablets? Provide all the details of the method you choose and give one reason why this method is more suitable. [4]

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