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CBSE Question Paper 2011 Class 12 Home Science conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in the month of March 2011. CBSE previous year question papers with the solution are available in myCBSEguide mobile app and website. The Best CBSE App for students and teachers is myCBSEguide which provides complete study material and practice papers to CBSE schools in India and abroad.
CBSE Question Paper 2011 Class 12 Home Science
CBSE Question Paper 2011 Class 12 Home Science
General Instructions:
- All questions are compulsory.
- Marks for each question are indicated against it.
- Read each question carefully and answer to the point.
- All parts of a question should be attempted together.
1. Mention the standard marks you would look for while buying packets of baking powder and pure ghee. (1)
2. Name any two grease solvents which are used to remove stains from garments. (1)
3. At what age does an infant child cut his first milk tooth? How many milk teeth does he have when he is 2 and half years old? (1)
4. Why is the friction method not used to wash woolens? (1)
5. State two important points you would consider while buying clothes for an adolescent boy. (1)
6. Indicate two cognitive abilities of a child at the age of six months. (1)
7. Mention two adulterants which are commonly found in tea leaves. (1)
8. When suffering from diarrhea, which two kinds of foods should Sudha avoid in her meals. (1)
9. Present two arguments to justify that crying is important in the language development of a child. (1)
10. State two indicators of good workmanship in the collar of a gent’s shirt. (1)
11. To ensure accuracy in length, what four points would you check while buying fabric from a shopkeeper. (2)
12. Rini is using a chemical to remove stains from her silk dress. What precautions should she take to prevent any damage to the fabric? (2)
13. Home Science offers vast self-employment opportunities in each of its fields. Support this statement with the help of an example from each field. (2)
14. What four qualities of a fabric would qualify it to be comfortable? (2)
15. State two indicators each by which a mother knows that her eight-month-old child has normal motor and social development. (2)
16. Name two things which can damage cotton clothes during storage. What two steps should you adapt to prevent this spoilage? (2)
17. In what four ways can a one-year-old express his emotion of fear? (2)
18. Recommend four facilities you would want in the creche of your three years old brother. (2)
19. Give four reasons as to why lactating women should regularly visit an ICDS center. (2)
20. Pradeep is a bank manager. He lives in a coastal area with his wife, old parents, and grandmother. Mention four important factors which would influence the meal planning of this family. (2)
21. Use of chlorine tablets may not always assure you to get safe potable water. Support this statement with four reasons. (2)
22. Most villages are suffering from swelling in feet and legs. The doctor has ascribed it to some adulteration in their food. What could be this adulterant? Mention three other symptoms associated with this adulterant. Suggest two ways by which villagers can safeguard themselves from buying adulterant foods. (3)
23. What could be six possible unhygienic practices adopted by roadside vendors selling chaat papri? (3)
24. What six things your mother can do to supplement her real income? (3)
25. Justify six reasons as to why all families should maintain their household accounts. (3)
26. Outline the steps of washing a silk sari at home. (3)
27. Identify four symptoms of diphtheria. Present two important points for its prevention. (3)
Illustrate four ways each of creating emphasis and harmony in a salwar-kameez suit.
28. Emphasis:
(i) To emphasize neckline-embroider around neckline/any other example
(ii) Contrasting collar will emphasize it/any other example of any other part
(iii) Repeat color on neckline, hem, dupatta, cuff/Matching same color accessories (necklace, earring, bangles, any other example
(iv) Using an unusual collar/doing applique work on bodice to emphasize it, any other example
29. List any four difficulties a deaf and dumb child may face in a normal classroom.
What are the aids available which can help meet their specific needs? (4)
30. A family where the daughter-in-law is pregnant has been served Aloo Parantha and curd for breakfast. What modifications will you carry out in this meal to suit the nutritional needs of a pregnant woman? Why does she require these additional nutrients? (4)
31. Describe the right to information and right to safety. Write one step each taken by government which ensures that these two rights of consumers are adequately met. (4)
32. Your brother works in a bank and wants to invest one lakh rupees. Suggest to him any two schemes which are safe and also provide tax rebate. Mention three other features of each of these two schemes. (4)
These are questions only. To view and download complete question paper with solution install myCBSEguide App from google play store or log in to our student dashboard.
Last Year Question Paper Class 12 Home Science 2011
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