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CBSE Question Paper 2011 Class 12 Sociology conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in the month of March 2011. CBSE previous year question papers with the solution are available in myCBSEguide mobile app and website. The Best CBSE App for students and teachers is myCBSEguide which provides complete study material and practice papers to CBSE schools in India and abroad.
CBSE Question Paper 2011 Class 12 Sociology
Class 12 Sociology list of chapters
- Introducing Indian Society
- Demographic Structure of the Indian Society
- Social Institutions: Continuity and Change
- The Market as a Social Institution
- The Pattern of Social In quality and Exclusion
- The Challenges of Cultural Diversity
- Suggestions for Project Work
- Structural Change (10 Periods)
- Cultural Change (12 Periods)
- The Story of India Democracy (16 Periods)
- Change and Development in Rural Society (10 Periods)
- Change and Development in Industrial Society (14 Periods)
- Globalization and Social Change (10 Periods)
- Mass Media and Communication Process (14 Periods)
- Social Movements (18 Periods)
CBSE Question Paper 2011 Class 12 Sociology
General Instructions:
- Examiner should adhere to the Marking scheme
- Examiner to go through the Marking Scheme carefully before commencing evaluation.
- In the questions which are general in nature, the examiner may take into consideration any relevant points.
- Detail of Question Papers:
Practical Exam= 20
Theory Exam=80
Questions 1 to 14 are of 2 marks
Questions 15 to 21 are of 4 marks
Questions 22 to 24 are of 6 marks
Questions 25 is a passage having two questions of 2 & 4 marks - Examiners are requested to kindly be objective in checking papers and not to be over-sympathetic or over strict in marking.
1. Write a note on purity and pollution.
2. What is participatory democracy?
3. What features mark or characterize a social movement?
4. Define ‘State.
5. What steps were taken by colonial rulers for the smooth functioning of its rule?
6. What sectors or spheres are important in a modern economy?
7. What is meant by support prices?
8. What is meant by assimilationist policies?
9. How did British industrialization lead to deindustrialization in some sectors in India
10. What are the ways by which workers are made to produce more?
11. Highlight the potential of FM channels in a post-liberalized India?
12. What does the principle of nationalism assume?
13. Identify two negative social effects of the Green Revolution.
14. Highlight any two features of an organized sector.
15. In what ways can changes in the social structure lead to changes in the family structure.
16. Discuss what is an Ecological Movement by giving suitable examples.
Write a short note om AITUC.
17. What arguments were given by Dr. Ambedkar and by Mahatma Gandhi for constituting local governments?
73rd amendment has had a monumental role in bringing a voice to the people in villages. Comment.
18. In what ways did the Indian economy change after the coming of colonialism?
19. The beginning of the printing press led to the growth of the idea of a “Nation as an “imagined community. Discuss as suggested by Benedict Anderson.
20. What changes took place in the areas where agriculture became more commercialized?
21. What are community identities? Why are they important?
(a) These are based on birth & belonging.
(b) Gives a sense of security and satisfaction in belonging to a community.
(c) Creates emotional attachment within the community.
(d) Provides us language and cultural values.
22. Highlight different dimensions of “untouchability’ by giving suitable examples.
23. Are global interconnections new to the World and to India? Explain this by giving suitable examples.
24. How has Sanskritisation as a concept been criticized?
State and discuss the different aspects of modern change in colonial India
25. Read the passage and answer the questions below:
Most deaths of children under five occur in India, says Unicef report
This is another ranking that India would hate to top.
Close on the heels of recording the largest number of women dying during childbirth, the country now occupies another top spot. India holds the unenviable record of being home to the highest number of children who die before reaching their fifth birthday.
According to the latest United Nations under-five mortality estimates, released by Unicef, India recorded 17.26 lakh under-five deaths with a mortality rate of 66 in 2009.
The statistics were much worse in 1990 – the base year when the progress made by countries to combat child mortality is calculated.
In 1990, India had recorded 31 lakh under-five deaths, with a mortality rate of 118.
The under-five mortality is increasingly concentrated in a few countries. About half of global under-five deaths in 2009 occurred in only five countries: India, Nigeria, Congo, Pakistan, and China.
(TOI, New Delhi, September 18, 2010)
(1) what is the difference between infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate?
(2) Name some of the countries where most children die under-five. According to you what are the most common causes of death?
These are questions only. To view and download complete question paper with solution install myCBSEguide App from google play store or log in to our student dashboard.
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