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CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Engineering Graphics conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in the month of March 2014. CBSE previous year question papers with the solution are available in myCBSEguide mobile app and website. The Best CBSE App for students and teachers is myCBSEguide which provides complete study material and practice papers to CBSE schools in India and abroad.

CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Engineering Graphics

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CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Engineering Graphics

General Instructions :

  • Attempt all the questions.
  • Use both sides of the drawing sheet, if necessary.
  • All dimensions are in millimeters.
  • Missing and mismatching dimensions, if any, may be suitably assumed.
  • Follow the SP: 46-2003 revised codes (with First angle method of Projection).
  • In no view of the question, 2 are hidden edges/lines required.
  • In question 4, hidden edges/lines are to be shown in views without section.
  • Number your answers according to questions

1. Answer the following Multiple Choice Questions. Print the correct choice on your drawing sheet.
(i) What will be the shape of a ‘circle’ in Isometric Projection?
(a) Ellipse
(b) Parabola
(c) Circle
(d) Cycloid

(ii) Why is a Hook Bolt provided with a square neck?
(a) To prevent the rotation of the bolt while tightening
(b) To make the joint smooth
(c) To provide the bearing surface
(d) None of these

(iii) What is the value of the outer diameter of a plain washer for a bolt of diameter?
(a) 2d + 6
(b) 2d + 3
(c) 2d
(d) d + 6

(iv) What is the purpose of the oil hole in the ‘Bushed Bearing’?
(a) To join bush to the base
(b) To provide clearance
(c) To pour oil which reduces the friction between the shaft and bush
(d) All of these

(v) How much taper is provided in the width of a cotter?
(a) 1 : 3
(b) 1: 10
(c) 1: 100
(d) 1: 30

2. (i) Construct an isometric scale of length 70 mm.
(ii) A pentagonal prism (base side 25 mm and axial length 60 mm) is
resting on HP with its rectangular face on it. Its axis is parallel to
VP and HP. Draw its isometric projection and give all dimensions.

(iii) A triangular pyramid (base side 40 mm and height 70 mm) is
placed centrally on the top circular face of a cylinder (diameter
80 mm and height 25 mm). One of the base sides of the triangular
the pyramid is perpendicular to VP and its axis is perpendicular to
HP. Draw its isometric projection and give all dimensions. Show
the common axis and direction of viewing.

3. (i) Draw to scale 1: 1 the standard profile of a Metric Screw
Thread External, taking enlarged pitch 40 mm. Give standard


Draw to scale 1: 1 the front view and top view of a Hexagonal
Headed Bolt of size M20. Keep the axis vertical. Give standard
(ii) Sketch, freehand the front view and top view of a Plain Stud of
size M20. Keep the axis vertical. Give standard dimensions.


Sketch, freehand the front view and top view of a Pan Head Rivet
of diameter 25 mm. Keep the axis vertical. Give standard

4. Figure 1 shows the details of the parts of a Solid Web Cast Iron
Pulley. Assemble these parts correctly and then draw to scale 1: 1 its
following views :
(i) Front view, top half in section.
(ii) Side view as viewed from left.
Print the title and the scale used. Draw the projection symbol. Give
6 important dimensions.

CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Engineering Graphics

Figure 2 shows the assembly of a Turnbuckle. Disassemble the Body and the Rod-B and then draw the following views to scale 1: 1. Keep the same position of the Body and the Rod-B with respect to HP and VP:
(i) Front view of the Body, showing lower half in section and Top view.
(ii) Front view and Side view of the Rod-B as seen from the left side. Print titles of both and scale used. Draw the projection symbol. Give 6 important dimensions.

CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Engineering Graphics

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