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CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Sociology conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in the month of March 2014. CBSE previous year question papers with the solution are available in myCBSEguide mobile app and website. The Best CBSE App for students and teachers is myCBSEguide which provides complete study material and practice papers to CBSE schools in India and abroad.

CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Sociology

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CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Sociology

Class 12 Sociology list of chapters


  1. Introducing Indian Society
  2. Demographic Structure of the Indian Society
  3. Social Institutions: Continuity and Change
  4. The Market as a Social Institution
  5. The Pattern of Social In quality and Exclusion
  6. The Challenges of Cultural Diversity
  7. Suggestions for Project Work


  1. Structural Change (10 Periods)
  2. Cultural Change (12 Periods)
  3. The Story of India Democracy (16 Periods)
  4. Change and Development in Rural Society (10 Periods)
  5. Change and Development in Industrial Society (14 Periods)
  6. Globalization and Social Change (10 Periods)
  7. Mass Media and Communication Process (14 Periods)
  8. Social Movements (18 Periods)

CBSE Question Paper 2014 Class 12 Sociology

General Instructions:

  1. There are 25 questions in all.
  2. All questions are compulsory.
  3. Question Nos. 1 – 14 are of 2 marks each, and are to be answered in about 30 words each.
  4. Question Nos. 15-21 are of1 marks each, to be answered in about 80 words each.
  5. Question Nos. 22 – 24 are of 6 marks each, to be answered in about 200 words each.
  6. Question No. 25 carries 6 marks and is to be answered based on the passage given.
  7. Answers should be precise and to the point.

1. Differentiate between the western & the Indian sense of secularism.

2. Give the meaning of the term De-Sanskritisation.

3. What are the sources of revenue for the Panchayats?

4. What does agrarian structure refer to?

5. Differentiate between Social change & Social Movements.

6. What does the term ‘Adivasi’ mean?

7. Explain ‘Status Symbol’.

8. What is colonialism ? Give one example.

9. State some of the features of an authoritarian state.

10. What does the term ‘Begar’ mean?

11. ‘Urbanisation and Industrialization is a linked process.’ Justify.

12. What do you mean by Feminisation of agricultural labor?

13. Examine the emergence of nation-states during colonialism.

14. Distinguish between organized and unorganized sector.

15. Differentiate between subsidies & support prices.

16. Write a short note on ‘New farmer’s movement”.

17. What are the basic tasks of a manager? How can he make the worker produce more?

18. How do caste and kin networks contribute to the success of a business?


Discuss the role of social reformers in dealing with women’s issues during the colonial period.

19. Mention the contentious issues found in the federal system which led to the inter-regional disparities.


What are the features of civil society organizations?

20. The process of Sanskritisation encourages inequalities and discrimination. Explain.

21. Examine the arguments given by Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi for the inclusion of Panchayati Raj in the Constitution.

22. Explain the economic policy of Liberalisation.

23. Discuss the ways that strengthened the institution of caste in India under colonial rule.


Write a note on tribal identities in India today with special reference to Jharkhand.

24. Trace the changes that have been occurring in the Newspaper Industry.

25. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
66% of India in the 15-65 age group
Not only the bulk of India’s population, nearly two-thirds, is in the working age group from 15-64 years, but the median age of the country is also still just 24 (even it up from 22 a decade ago) making it a rather young country with a large potentially productive workforce. on both counts, however, there are wide variations across states.

While India might have a whopping 767.5 million in the working age group, the proportion, of working age population varies widely from a high of 74.3% in tiny Daman and Diu, to a low of 55% in Bihar where 40% of the population is in the 0-14 age group. It is the same in Uttar Pradesh, another high fertility state, here the working age population constitutes just 58.6% while children constitute 36% of the population For India, the proportion of children (0-14 years) is 3l%. In low fertility states like Kerala and Tamil Nadu, children constitute just 23%o and,24% of the population. of the larger states, Tamil Nadu has the highest proportion of the population in the working age, 69.8%.

In general, among the larger states, the list of states with a high proportion of the population in the working ages bracket overlaps quite a lot with the list of states generally considered among the more developed.

This is good news to the extent that they are better placed to make ‘demographic dividend’ pay than others.
(Times of India, 8th September 2013)
(a) What is a demographic dividend?
(b) Name the states with highest and the lowest working age population. Also, give the reasons for such variations found across states.

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