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CBSE Question Paper 2015 Class 12 Multimedia and Web Technology conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in the month of March 2015. CBSE previous year question papers with the solution are available in myCBSEguide mobile app and website. The Best CBSE App for students and teachers is myCBSEguide which provides complete study material and practice papers to CBSE schools in India and abroad.

CBSE Question Paper 2015 Class 12 Multimedia and Web Technology

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CBSE Question Paper 2015 Class 12 Multimedia and Web Technology

General Instructions:

  • Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages.
  • Code number given on the right-hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
  • Please check that this question paper contains 7 questions.
  • Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
  • 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the
    question paper only and will not write an answer on the answer-book during this period

    1. Observe the table GYM of a Database named Health Equipment given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
      Table: GYM

      G101 Power Fit Exerciser 20000 8
      G102 Aquavit Hand Grip 1800 5
      G103 Cycle Bike 14000 9
      G104 Protomer Extreme Gym 30000 9
      G105 Cross Trainer 13000 8
      1. Name the two fields that have the text data type in the above table. (1)
      2. What are the degree and the cardinality of the table GYM? (2)
      3. Which field can act as the Primary key for the table GYM? Also, mention the data type of this field
    2. ICODE can act as the primary key and it has AUTONUMBER / NUMBER data type
    3. Enumerate any two applications of multimedia in entertainment.
    4. Ashine wants to be able to embed the flash movie created by her in her website. Which (2) option is better suited for her – Exporting or Publishing? Also, mention the extension of the web page file created if default settings are used.
  1. Questions below are based on Macromedia Flash:
    1. a) Study the figure given below and answer the questions that follow:
      CBSE Question Paper 2015 Class 12 Multimedia and Web Technology
      1. Name the guiding layer in the above scenario.ii. Given the above settings, will the contents of the layer Motion be displayed in the final movie? Justify.
      2. Given the above settings, name the active layer.
  1. Answer the following questions based on HTML:
    1. Fill in the blanks in the given HTML code to create a hyperlink on the text “Learning is (2) Fun” to the page “LearnNShare. html”
      Ans: – </HTML>
      <A HREF = “LearnNShare.html”> Learning is Fun </ A >
      </ HTML>
      (‘Z2 mark for filling each blank correctly)
    2. Write the HTML code to generate the web page in the format shown:
      CBSE Question Paper 2015 Class 12 Multimedia and Web Technology

    Consider the following points while writing the HTML code:

    1. The title of the web page is Second Hand Cars.
    2. The color scheme is as follows:
      1. The page background color is silver.
      2. The horizontal line is blue.
      3. Table borders red.
      4. Font color is blue.
    3. The images used are car1.jpg and car2.jpg.
    4. The heading is in Forte font and the rest of the page uses Comic Sans MS font.
    5. Create the given list with an appropriate bullet type.
    6. The link at the bottom is an e-mail link to the address
  2. Answer the following questions based on ASP
    1. With the help of an example explain the difference between the working of the operators + and &.
      Ans + can be used to add numbers or concatenate strings whereas & s used to concatenate strings only 12 + 12 will give 24 “12″ & “12” will give 1212
    2. Explain the use of the Remove and RemoveAll methods Of the Session object. (2)
      Ans Remove removes a specific item from the Session object’s Contents Collection whereas Remove All removes all the items from the Session object’s Contents Collection.
    3. Name the object used for the following:
      1. To obtain information about an error condition that has occurred in the script
      2. To share information among a (users of a given app Ucation
      3. To control information sent back to the browser from the server.

    d) Give the output of the following statements:

    1. Response.write((10-5+3) \ 4)
    2. Response.write(LEN(“TEST DAY”))
    3. Response.write(STRREVERSE(“MADAME”)) 
  1. Answer the following questions based on ASP
    1. What is the use of the recordset object? (1)
      Ans The recordset object is used to manipulate the rows of data or sets of records returned from a data source (1 mark [or the correct usage)
    2. Study the code given below and answer the questions that follow:
      Set myad=Server.CreateObject(“MSWC.AdRotator”)
      <P ALIGN=”LEFT”> <%=myad.GetAdvertisement(“myads.txt”) %>
      Cards for all occasions – birthdays, anniversaries and marriages
      1. What is the significance of the delimiters <% %> in the above code?
      2. Give one special feature of the Ad Rotator component of ASP.
      3. Name anyone ASP component apart from Ad Rotator.
      4. Name anyone ASP object and one method used in the above code
  1. Answer the following questions based on VBScript:
    1. Which of the following option correctly matches the given events with the appropriate interface element
      Event Interface Element
      OnClick Text
      OnMouse0ver Button
      0nChange Image
      1. Button – OnMouseover, Text – 0nClick, Image – OnChange
      2. Button – 0nChange, Text – 0nClick, Image – OnMouse0ver
      3. Button – OnClick, Text – OnChange, Image – OnMouseover
  1. How many times the above FOR loop gets executed?
  2. Convert the given FOR loop to DO WHILE loop without affecting the output.
  3. Give the output of the above code.

Write the HTML code to generate the following form:

CBSE Question Paper 2015 Class 12 Multimedia and Web Technology

Write the VBScript code to display the Stream for the Institute as.

    1. Which of the following is not open source software?
      (i) Firefox web browser
      (ii) Mysql
      (iii) Visual Basic
    2. What was the objective behind developing UNICODE?
    3. Define Protocol. Give the full form of PPP.
    4. Differentiate between E-mail and SMS.
    5. Edu Smart School is in the process of setting up their new campus in Gurgaon. As a network expert, you are expected to help the institution by studying the physical locations of various blocks and the number of computers to be installed. On the basis of the given information, provide the best possible answers for the queries (i) to (iv) to help them in the planning phase.CBSE Question Paper 2015 Class 12 Multimedia and Web Technology
      Block to Block distances (in mars.)

      Place From Place To Distance
      Admin Office Junior School 60
      Junior School Senior School 120
      Admin Office Senior School 60m

      Expected number of computers in each block:

      Block No. of Computers
      Admin office 50
      Junior School 30
      Senior School 30

      (i) Draw the most appropriate cable layout to connect all three blocks for communication.
      Name the block that is most suitable to house the server for this campus with a suitable reason.
      (ii) Name the block that is most suitable to house the server for this campus with a suitable reason.
      (iii)Which type of network, out of the following, is formed by connecting the computers (1) of these three blocks?

      • PAN
      • LAN
      • MAN
      1. Which wireless channel out of the following should be chosen by the Management to connect to their campus in another country?
        • Infrared
        • Microwave
        • Satellite

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Last Year Question Paper Class 12 Multimedia and Web Technology

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