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CBSE Question Paper 2016 class 12 Psychology conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in the month of March 2016. CBSE previous year question papers with solution are available in myCBSEguide mobile app and cbse guide website. The Best CBSE App for students and teachers is myCBSEguide which provides complete study material and practice papers to CBSE schools in India and abroad.

CBSE Question Paper 2016 class 12 Psychology

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CBSE Question Paper 2016 class 12 Psychology

Last Year Question Paper Class 12 Psychology 2016

General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii)  Marks for each question are indicated against it.

(iii) Answers should be brief and to the point.

(iv) Questions No. 1 – 10 in Part A has Learning Checks (very short answer type) questions carrying 1 mark each. You are required to answer them as directed.

(v) Questions No. 11 – 16 in Part B are Very Short Answer type questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.

(vi) Questions No. 17 – 20 in Part C are Short Answer Type I questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.

(vii) Questions No. 21 – 26 in Part D are Short Answer Type II questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 100 words.

(viii) Questions No. 27 and 28 in Part E are Long Answer Type questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.


1. The _________ approach considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities.

2. Personality characterised by proneness to depression is classified as type _________ personality.

3. Personality traits of hardiness are control, commitment and ________.

4. Mood disorders in which both mania and depression are alternatively present is known as _________.

5. Repeated association of undesired response with an aversive consequence is called _________ conditioning.

6. Assigning causes to the behaviour shown in specific social situations is known as _________.

7. Binding or mutual attraction among group members is referred to as _________.

8. Act of aggression meant to obtain a certain goal or object is known as _________ aggression.
9. Non-verbal acts in any talk are referred to as

10. Ability to organise and monitor our own behaviour is known as _________.


11. Explain information-processing approach to understand intelligence.

12. Explain the term frustration.

13. What is the meaning of logotherapy?

14. What are norms?

15. Explain the term crowding.

16. What do you understand by the term skill?


17. State the salient feature of dissociative amnesia.


Differentiate between delusions and hallucinations.

18. Explain social cognition with the help of suitable examples.

19. State the three characteristics of an effective counsellor.

20. Explain any three situational factors leading to aggression.


21. Explain the behavioural approach to study personality.

22. What are defence mechanisms? Explain repression.


Explain Erikson’s concept of identity crisis.

23. Explain stress resistant personality with the help of examples.

24. Discuss cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).

25. Explain any two conditions which lead to learning of attitudes.

26. Describe any two elements of group structure.


27. Explain the term intelligence. Describe the PASS model of intelligence.


Explain how intelligence is the result of heredity and environment.

28. Explain abnormal behaviour from the perspective of socio-cultural model.


Explain diathesis-stress model of abnormal behavior taking examples from daily life.

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CBSE Question Paper 2016 class 12 Psychology

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