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CBSE Syllabus Class 12 Mass Media Studies – in PDF
CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Mass Media Studies 2019-20 in PDF format for free download. Mass Media Studies syllabus for 2019 2020 class 12 is now available in myCBSEguide mobile app. The curriculum for March 2020 exams is designed by CBSE, New Delhi as per NCERT textbooks for the session 2019-20.
CBSE Syllabus for class 12 Mass Media Studies 2019-20
CBSE Syllabus Class 12 Mass Media Studies
In the last two decades, changes of phenomenal proportion have occurred in the field of Mass Media Studies. Mass Media has taken a quantum leap forward in terms of scale content and convergence. The media experience is an important part of globalization and civil society. The media has become an indispensable part of life at the national and local level. It has become an important factor in shaping young minds.
- Introduction to the comprehensive understanding of the five principles of Mass Media viz, Film, TV, Print, Radio and New Media
- Introduction to the evolution of Mass Media
- To understand how the content and presentation of mass media shapes our thoughts, vision, ethics and action
- Analysis of the ways in which content is created in media
- To understand creative and technical processes involved in newsprint, radio, television production, filmmaking and the internet
- Introduction to the organization of media and entertainment industries – the financial and commercial aspects.
- To delineate the roles and responsibilities of creative, technical and administrative people in media
- To familiarize with the career options in media and entertainment industry
- To analyze the vital importance of mass media in the functioning of a secular, liberal, democracy like India
- To understand the convergence of mass media as the futuristic trend opening up more and more exciting career and creative opportunities
S. No. | Units | Periods | Marks |
1 | Understanding the Language of the Medium | 40 | 35 |
2 | Evolution of the Media | 30 | |
3 | Convergence of the Media | 40 | 35 |
4 | Selling/Marketing/Exhibiting a Product through Advertising | 30 | |
5 | Graphic Design and Multimedia Applications | 20 | 10 |
6 | Production Skills (Project) | 40 | 10 |
7 | Portfolio Assessment (Project) | 40 | 10 |
240 | 100 |
Chapter I: Media Literacy
- Introduction of Media Literacy
- Introduction to Mass Media
- Audience Theories
- Media Ownership
- Media Representation
- Media and Violence
Chapter II: Aspects of Film Language
- The concept of mise en scene
- Film Analysis
- Short film-fiction(5)
Short film-nonfiction (5)
OR - Feature film
- Short film-fiction(5)
Chapter III: Content Analysis of TV Programmes
- The concept of a soap opera – Daily soap, Weekly soap
- Genres of Soap Opera, primary audience of each genre
- The Segmented nature of the audience
- Gaze of the audience, concept of a flow, continuous interruption
- Culture of Film based programmes
- Culture of Music based programmes
- Educational TV, non-fiction on TV
Chapter IV: Content Analysis of Radio Programmes
- News – the format, the language, frequency
- Talks, magazine programmes-unidirectional nature, feedback with a time phase difference
- Dramas – the unique nature of radio plays
- Interactive programmes – phone in, live interaction, music, experiences, memories as content of these programmes
Chapter V: Content Analysis of Newspapers and Periodicals
- Newspapers –
- The Macro composition of a daily-various sections like the front page, edit page, sports page, business page.
- The Micro composition of a daily-proportion of visual and text, language, highlighting.
- Periodicals –
- The Macro composition of a periodical – various sections like the cover page, cover story, features, columns, business page.
- The Micro composition of a periodical – proportion of visual and text, language, highlighting.
Chapter VI: Features of the Internet
- E–mails – Personal, Business Communication between Individuals and Organizations, Changing Characteristics of the same
- Websites – Educational sites, Entertainment sites, Information sites, Social networking sites, Business sites Blogs
- Web Advertising – The changing nature of communication and perception of interpersonal and social communication due to the various developing possibilities of the internet.
Chapter I: The Evolution of International Cinema
The Silent Era (1895 to 1927)
- Primitives and Pioneers in UK, France and USA
- Establishment of Hollywood, D.W Griffith and Slapstick comedy
- Expressionism in Germany
- Socialist Realism in USSR
The Sound Era (1927) to the present day, transition from black and white to colours
- The British, American and European documentary movement
- Genres in Hollywood
Chapter II: The Evolution – International Television
- National and Trans-national Networks
- Live and Recorded Transmission
- Video and Cable Networks
- Satellite Communication
- Evolution of Fiction and Non-fiction Programmes
- Television as a part of the Internet
Chapter III: The Evolution of Print Media
- Journalism as a 17th and 18th century phenomenon
- Role of Industrial Revolution in the spread of print media
- Local newspapers, Chain of newspapers
- Some features of journalism in Europe and America
- Online editions
Chapter IV: The Evolution of Radio
- Technically a combination of wireless and telegraph technology
- Bell, Marconi, Jagdish Chandra Bose, Tesla created the possibilities of transmission
- From Military use to the Civil one in the 1920s
- Establishment of BBC in 1922, also federal Commission in USA
- News and commercial messages
- By 1940 a universal and round the clock companion1955 onwards the invention of the transistor making radio portable
- National/Regional Network: AM, FM, Stereo Broadcast
- Radio as a part of web communication
Chapter V: Evolution of the Internet
- The internet becomes a reality in the 1970s
- Till 1991, internet is limited to the military and industrial circles and is closed to others
- Development of www in 1991 opens up internet
- The phenomenal growth after that
Chapter I: Independence and Inter-convertibility of Media
- Nature of audio-visual signals and messages
- Optical/Electronic
- Live/Recorded
- Analogue/Digital
- Nature of media
- Print-text film-optical image
- Television-electronic image
- Radio-wireless communication
- Accommodation of text, sound, image into film
- Accommodation of film into television
- Internet as the meeting point of all the mass media
Chapter II: Convergence and the New Possibilities of Communication
Earlier models of communication
- Mass communication model of a few transmitting to a vast number of receivers
- Gigantic organization
- Huge technical infrastructure
- Large scale revenue
- The changed paradigm due to the Internet
- Empowering an individual to post data on the Internet
- Information, message in one medium triggering off activity in the others
- Many sources of the same information
- Distribution of the information between individuals on an unprecedented global scale
- Rapidity of opinion generation on a local, national and global scale
- The socio- political implications of the new information order
- The strengthening of democracy
The Case Study Approach
Chapter I: Profile of a Product
- Product specifications
- Targeting buyers
Chapter II: The task of Advertising
- Promotion of product
- Drive sales
- Build a brand identity
- Increase the buzz
Chapter III: The Available Media
- Print-newspapers, magazines, brochures, fliers, posters
- OOH-billboards, kiosks, tradeshows events
- Broadcast advertising – Radio, TV, digital Internet + mobile
- ‘In film’ promos
- Celebrity endorsements
- Cross promotions
- Merchandise
- Games (Mobile and computer)
- Covert advertising
Chapter IV: Forms of Advertising
- Product Advertising
- Institutional Advertising (Corporate)
- Social Service – PSA
- Advocacy Advertising
- Comparative Advertising
- Cooperative Advertising
- Direct Mail
- Point of Purchase Advertising
- Informational Advertising
Chapter I: Introduction to multimedia
Chapter II: Text
Chapter III: Still in Age
Chapter IV: Video Application
Chapter V: SoundChapter VI: Creating a multimedia project
Project – Non-Fiction: Students will conceive, write, direct and edit a non-fiction film project of
3-5 minutes duration.
In this, they will follow the film making process of going through the pre-production, production and post-production process. The idea will be submitted to the teacher first. It shall be discussed and approved. It is only after that, the student can undertake to do further research and writing of the script. The script shall be submitted along with the shooting schedule, the same will be approved by teacher and only after the clearance from the teacher will the shooting take place. Students will complete the project on video tape and submit it along as a video tape as well as in the DVD format with the docket containing all the paper work done by them.
- Subjects of the films should be suitable for the audience of their own age group.
- Social issues like Gender issues, Environmental issues, Education, Health, Livelihood, Rights on disability, Access, Road Safety, documentaries on Historical monuments, Art and Craft can be chosen. Initial research is very important with regard to pre-production and production. Students must understand and read about media ethics and understand the sensitivity of the issue concerned. Students must take up issues which they closely relate to in their everyday lives and are able to work on within their academic concerns.
- Themes to illustrate facets of other arts could also be chosen. Issues relating to media could also be a domain. Students must understand their roots and cultural heritage which surrounds them. It is part of what they are. This consists of not just historical monuments; it surpasses subjects like rituals, traditional medicinal practices, folklore and anecdotes from their grandparents, about the city they live in, various performing arts and more.
- Portraits of personalities with respect to their contribution to life may also be chosen. People who have made a difference within their community, their role models, people they look up to, those who inspire them or have encouraged them, they could be their relative, teacher, a household help or anyone known to them.
- Basic Handycam video cameras and basic editing software like Adobe Premier or Windows Movie maker should suffice. Technical quality is important, but technological sophistication by itself will not carry much weight, as the purpose is to judge the overall programme making ability.
- The preparation is as important as the product and will carry half the percentage in the total assessment of the project.
- The time limit of 3-5 minutes is to be strictly observed. Anything drastically more or less in duration will negatively affect the assessment.
- These guidelines should be very clearly explained to the students and there should be no basic doubts about the approach in their minds.
Special features of Assessment
The Portfolio will consist of a compilation of all written submissions over the duration of the
course. It is the sum total of the creative work executed by the student over the year. The
Portfolio will consist of all written submissions over the duration of the course. The assignments would include written project work and production output will be collected. The submission wouldinclude both the original and improved versions of assigned tasks reflective of gradual improvement.
Aims of the exercise of Portfolio are-
- To create a desire in the student to go beyond the text and classroom learning
- To inculcate in the student the spirit of research
- To offer the scope for imaginative thinking
- To develop the power of interpretation
- To imbibe the notions of subjectivity and objectivity
Objectives of the exercise of Portfolio are –
- The student begins to think independently and critically about the subject.
- The student learns to develop his/her own themes.
- The student learns to systematically gather facts and sift the data.
- The student learns to use the data in a coherent and logical manner.
- The student learns to follow one’s imagination to create an original work.
- The student learns the difference between analyzing someone else’s work and creating one’s
- own.
- The student learns to develop distinct creative approaches to fiction and non-fiction.
- The student learns to conceive and execute ideas that are medium specific.
- The student learns to identify upon his/her own strengths and weaknesses.
Assessment of the Portfolio: The basic guideline for assessment of the Portfolio is to judge the student’s individual growth along the aims and objectives stated above. Both quality and quantity of the work done cumulatively should receive equal consideration.
10 marks have been allotted for the Portfolio.
Apprentice Program: All students who take this course will have to mandatorily take one week intensive training at an institution which has been approved by CBSE. The week long intensive training will also have a component of project work which will be assessed by the examiners of the institution.
Guidelines for teacher training preamble – The subject Mass Media Studies is new and a broadspectrum one. Hence there are no specialized teachers available at the inception to teach the course. The teachers, who will have the initiative to undertake the responsibility of teaching, themselves would belong to various backgrounds. So the trainers are dealing with heterogeneous groups as far as the educational background of the members of the group are concerned. These are the factors that have been taken into account while planning the content and teaching strategy. These are not to be considered as limiting factors, but important details.
Content: The reader of the course would form the main reference around which the course would be structured. It will be more of participatory workshop than a lecture dominant programme.
- To explain the basic concept and key areas of the curriculum
- To demonstrate the use of available resources and to create the new ones
- To demonstrate the various approaches such as case study, analysis, research, creation of a product from an abstract idea and more
- To correlate the experience of various media as different dimensions of social life
- To bring awareness of the fact that mass media offers scope to a variety of talents and skills
After the successful completion of the course the teachers should be able to:
- Understand the ideas behind each unit and their interrelationship
- Locate the teaching resources within the familiar areas of information
- Guide the students to creatively execute their ideas
- Make the students realize the different realities of the media
- Develop a comprehensive perspective on mass media
- Induce the students to think positively about choosing a career in mass media
Infrastructure Requirements in Schools
Computers – an ideal ratio of 1 computer for every 5 students, with the following specifications:
- PCs or Macs (latest those purchased in 2014) with a minimum of 2GB RAM and 1TB HDD with core -2 processors i5/i7 processors (in the case of iMacs).
- Appropriate editing/sound softwares. These will be freely available softwares, which schools can select. These should be available at no cost or a minimal cost, if at all.
- The computers, ideally should be on a UPS or a backup power so as to not damage them in case of power failures.
- Handycams/Hand-held video cameras with an ideal ration of 1:10 (1 camera for every 10 students).
- A screening room equipped with a television set or projector and speakers for playback of video or screening images through a computer.
Qualification for Faculty: An M.A in Mass Communication preferably with B.Ed
Mass Media Studies Code No. 072 Class-XII (2018-19) |
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80 | |||||||||
S. No. |
Typology of Questions |
Learning outcomes & testing skills |
Very Short Answer (VSA) (1 Mark) |
Short Answer -I (SA-I) (3 Marks) |
Short Answer -II (SA-II) (4 Marks) |
Long Answer (LA) (5 Marks) |
Essay Type (6 Marks) |
Total Marks | % weightage |
1 | Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories; Identify, define, or recite, information) |
Reasoning Analytical skills Critical skills |
2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | – | 14 | 17% |
2 | Understanding- (Comprehension –to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase, or interpret information) |
2 | 2 | 1 | – | 1 | 18 | 23% | |
3 | Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) |
2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 20 | 25% | |
4 | High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis & Synthesis Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information, Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources) |
2 | 1 | 2 | – | 1 | 19 | 24% | |
5 | Evaluation – (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) |
– | 1 | 1 | – | 09 | 11% | ||
TOTAL- 2 projects (10 marks each) 20 marks |
8×1 =8 | 5×3 = 15 | 6×4 =24 |
3×5 = 15 |
3×6 =18 |
80(25) (project) (20) |
100 % |
Estimated Time (in minutes) | 10 min | 20 min | 50 min | 35 min | 50 min | 165 min + 15 min. for revision |
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