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If you’re not sure where to look for alternative Class 11 Computer Science case study questions, you’ve come to the perfect place. Expert teachers at myCBSEguide have created tonnes of Class 11 Computer Science case study questions to help you prepare for your Class 11 Computer Science exams. These Class 11 Computer Science case study questions will help you better comprehend the concepts and will also give you an idea of the types of questions that may be given on the exam.

Class 11 Computer Science Case study Questions

CBSE Case Study Questions in Class 11 Computer Science

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has stated that case study questions will be incorporated in the class 11 computer science paper pattern. This step is intended to encourage kids to think critically and solve problems.

Class 11 Computer Science Case Study Questions

Class 11 Computer Science case study questions will be based on real-world settings, and students will be required to apply their theoretical knowledge to solve practical difficulties. This will assist Class 11 Computer Science students in gaining a better knowledge of the Class 11 Computer Science subject presented in the curriculum.

Class 11 Computer Science students should begin preparing for these case study questions right once, according to CBSE. Class 11 Computer Science students can use myCBSEguide and previous year’s question papers to gain a sense of the Class 11 Computer Science case study questions that might be posed.

Overall, CBSE has taken a positive step in ensuring that students are better prepared for real-world challenges.

Class 11 Computer Science sample case study questions

There are a number of applications that offer students with Class 11 computer science case study questions, however myCBSEguide is the only app that provides a wide range of Class 11 computer science case study questions. MyCBSEguide provides the right questions for you to practise with, whether you’re a novice or an expert. You can be confident that you’re getting the greatest possible preparation for your Class 11 computer science case study questions with myCBSEguide. A few samples of computer science case study problems for Class 11 are provided below.

Class 11 Computer Science case study question 1

Attempt any 5 questions from this section. Choose the best possible option.

Suppose a list is given as

Example = [‘h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’]

Answer the questions based on the list

what is len(list Example)?

  1. a) 5
  2. b) 4
  3. c) None
  4. d) Error

What is Example[-1] ?

  1. a) Error
  2. b) None
  3. c) ‘o’
  4. d) ‘h’

Which function can be used to add one more element at the end of the list ?

  1. a) append()
  2. b) insert()
  3. c) add()
  4. d) insertinto()

What will be the output for the following:

Example[2: : 2]

  1. a) [‘h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’]
  2. b) [’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’]
  3. c) [’l’,’l’,’o’]
  4. d) [’l’, ’o’]

Which function will delete all the elements of the list ?

  1. a) del
  2. b) drop()
  3. c) clear()
  4. d) remove()

What will be the output for the following code:


  1. a) [‘h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’,’2’]
  2. b) [‘h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’,2]
  3. c) [‘h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’‘h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’o’]
  4. d) None of these

Class 11 Computer Science case study question 2

Lalit is a game programmer and he is designing a game where he has to use different python functions as much as possible. Apart from other things, following functionalities are to be implemented in the game.

(1) He is simulating a dice where random number generation is required.

(2) Since the program becomes too lengthy, Lalit wants a separate section where he can store all the functions used in the game program.

Lalit is feeling difficulty in implementing the above functionalities. Help him by giving answers following questions:

i) To implement functionality (1) which module can be used:

a) random

b) randomise

c) randint

d) math

ii) In functionality (2), Lalit should use

a) in-built functions

b) He should write another Python program

c) He should use a module with all the required functions

d) He should make a separate section in the same Python program

Class 11 Computer Science case study question 3

One student who is learning Python, is making a function-based program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. He wrote the program but he is getting some error. Help him to complete the task successfully:

from ……… import sqrt LINE-1

Def quad(b,c,a=1): LINE-2

x = b*b-4*a*c 4 LINE-3

if x < 0: LINE-4

return “Sorry,complex root(s)” LINE-5

d = sqrt(x) LINE-6

r1 = (-b + d)/(2*a) LINE-7

r2 = (-b – d)/(2*a) LINE-8

return r1,r2 LINE-9

print(quad(1,1,2)) LINE-10

root = quad(3) LINE-11

rt = quad(2,1) LINE-12

i) Which python module should be used in line 1

a) random

b) CMath

c) math

d) Either (b) or (c)

ii) Which statement is correct with reference to above program?

a) Two return statements are used and a function can use only one return statement

b) Required module is not given

c) Syntax error in line 4

d) Error in line 11

The above Class 11 Computer Science case study questions examples will help you to gain a better understanding on how computer science can be used to solve real-world problems. You will see how Class 11 computer science concepts can be applied to solve problems in fields such as medicine, business, and even art. These Class 11 Computer Science case study examples will also show you how computer science can be used to improve the efficiency of everyday tasks. 

Class 11 Computer Science syllabus

The Class 11 Computer Science syllabus covers a wide range of topics that are essential for students who wish to pursue a career in computer science or related fields. The class 11 computer science syllabus is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in the basics of computer science.

By the end of the course, student should be able to:

  • develop basic computational thinking
  • explain and use data types
  • appreciate the notion of algorithm
  • develop a basic understanding of computer systems – architecture, operating system and cloud computing
  • explain cyber ethics, cyber safety and cybercrime
  • Understand the value of technology in societies along with consideration of gender and disability issues

Class 11 Computer Science Distribution of Marks

Unit No. Unit Name Theory Marks Periods
Theory Practical
I Computer Systems and Organisation 10 10 10
II Computational Thinking and Programming – 1 45 80 60
III Society, Law and Ethics 15 20
Total 70 110 70

Handling class 11 computer science case study questions

Understanding the question, identifying the important challenges, and researching the best solution are all necessary steps in handling class 11 computer science case study questions. You may start identifying the primary issues once you have a good understanding of the class 11 computer science case study question. After you’ve identified the major issues, you may begin looking for the best solution. You can begin to answer the question once you’ve found the best solution.

myCBSEguide: Boon to students

myCBSEguide is a boon to CBSE students including class 11 computer science students. With its vast and comprehensive database of study materials, question papers, sample papers, case study questions and more, myCBSEguide provides students with everything they need to excel in their studies. In addition, the website’s easy-to-use interface and step-by-step guide make it a breeze for students to find the information they need and get the most out of their studies.

What’s more, all this is available at the click of a button! No wonder then that myCBSEguide is fast becoming the go-to website for CBSE students.

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