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Class 12 Political Science Security in the Contemporary World Extra Questions. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 12 Political Science. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Political Science Extra Questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Board Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 12 Political Science syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for class 12.

CBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 7 Extra Questions

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Security in the Contemporary World Important Questions

Class 12 – Political Science (Ch-7 Security in the Contemporary World)

  1. SARS stands for
    1. Special acute respiratory system
    2. Severe acute republic system
    3. Severe acute respiratory syndrome
    4. Several acute respiratory system
  2. What is the basic difference between the ‘traditional’ and ‘non-traditional’ concept of security?
  3. Mention any two human rights in political field.

  4. How is balance of power a component of traditional security?

  5. Which threats are included in the Global Security?

  6. What is the significance of Kyoto Protocol? Is India a signatory to this protocol?

  7. Mention any four components of traditional security.

  8. Differentiate between the traditional and non-traditional notions of security.

  9. Identify and explain new sources of threat to security.

  10. Explain the differences between migrants and refugees and internally displaced persons.

  11. Study the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
    Finally, there has been an attempt in India to develop its economy in a way that the vast mass of citizens are lifted out of poverty and misery and huge economic inequalities are not allowed to exist. The attempt has not quite succeeded; we are still a very poor and unequal country. Yet democratic politics allows spaces for articulating the voice of the poor and the deprived citizens. There is a pressure on the democratically elected governments to combine economic growth with human development. Thus, democracy is not just a political ideal; a democratic government is also a way to provide greater security.


    1. How is the Indian economic system tried to develop?
    2. How do the poor and deprived citizens behave in a democratic policy?
    3. What is the duty of an elected government in a democracy?
  12. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:

    1. What does the cartoon represent?
    2. What message does this cartoon convey?
    3. Is the representation of cartoon is different from our country?

    Class 12 Political Science Security in the Contemporary World Extra Questions

  13. What is security? Explain any two new sources of threats to security.

Class 12 – Political Science (Ch-7 Security in the Contemporary World)

    1. Severe acute respiratory syndrome
      Explanation: It is a health epidemic spreading vastly in the world.
  1. Traditional security deals with use or threat of use of military. On the other hand the non-traditional security consists of dangers such as terrorism, human rights, global poverty and health epidemics and include threats that endanger human existence.
  2. The two human rights in the political field are:
    1. Freedom to assemble in a peaceful manner.
    2. Freedom of speech and expression.
  3. ‘Balance of Power’ is maintenance of the balance of military power between bigger and smaller countries by cooperating with each other economically and technologically. The governments have to be very careful regarding the balance of power between nations, as at some point of time in future any government can opt to be aggressive.
  4. Global warming, international terrorism and health epidemics like AIDS, bird flu, swine flue and so on.
    1. India joined 160 countries that have signed and ratified the 1997 Kyoto Protocol which provide a roadmap for reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases to check global warming.
    2. India is a signatory to this protocol.
  5. The four components of the traditional notion of security from external threats are as follow:
    1. Deterrence: It is concerned with preventing wars.
    2. Defense: It is concerned with limiting or ending of the war.
    3. Balance of power: It happens when countries look around them, they observe that some countries are bigger & stronger. This is a clue to who might be a threat in the future. A good part of maintaining a balance of power is to build up one’s military power.
    4. Alliance building: An alliance is a coalition of States that coordinate their actions to deter or to defend against military attack. Most alliances are in writing.
  6. The differences between traditional and non-traditional security are :
    Traditional Security Non-Traditional Security
    Traditional security deals with use or threat of use of the military. Non-traditional security goes beyond military threats and includes threats that endanger human existence.
    Traditional threats to security endanger the core values of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the state. Non-traditional security is concerned with threats that endanger the human than the state.
    Under the traditional concept, the major focus is on the use of military force. Under non-traditional security, the military is used as a last resort.
    Under traditional security, force is both principal threats to security and means to achieve security. Under non-traditional concept, the threat is a general environment.
    These include Aggression or War by other nations, Insurgency, civil wars, etc. These involve all non-conventional issues, most of which emerged after the end of the Cold War. These include Environment-related problems- Global Warming, Pollution, Resource depletion, Poverty, Terrorism etc.
  7. The new sources of threat to security are mentioned below:
    1. Terrorism: It means political violence targeting civilians intentionally and non-selectively. International terrorism involves the citizens or territory of more than one country. Terrorist groups try to change the political context which they do not like by force or threat of force. Civilians are targeted to terrorize the public.
    2. ​​​​Human Rights: They have been categorized into three types :
      1. Political rights: It includes freedom of speech and assembly.
      2. Economic and social rights: It deals with rights related to economic and social nature.
      3. Rights of colonized people: It deals with the rights of colonized people or ethnic and indigenous minorities counts.
    3. Global Poverty: Due to the high per capita income and low population, rich countries become richer and vice versaPoverty in the South has also led to large-scale migration to seek a better life, especially better economic opportunities, in the North. This has created international political frictions.
    4. Migration: International political frictions have been created due to the large-scale migration of people from South to North. In order to seek a better life and economic opportunities, people have migrated to the North.
    5. Health epidemics: Such as like HIV- AIDS, bird flu and SARS have rapidly spread across countries through migration, business, tourism and military operations. One country’s failure or success in limiting the spread of these diseases affects infections in other countries.
    1. Migrants are those people who voluntarily leave their home countries and refugees are those who flee from war, natural disaster or political prosecution.
    2. A migrant is a person who makes a conscious choice to leave their country to seek a better life elsewhere whereas refugees are forced to leave their country because they are at risk of, or have experienced persecution.
    3. States are generally supposed to accept refugees, but they do not have to accept migrants.
    4. While refugees leave their country of origin, internally displaced people are those have fled their homes but remain within national borders. Kashmiri Pandits that fled due to the violence in the Kashmir Valley in the early 1990s are an example of an internally displaced community.
    1. Indian economy has been attempted to develop in a particular way The purpose of this development is that the vast mass of citizens may be lifted out of poverty and misery and huge economic inequalities are not allowed to exist among them.
    2. In a democratic policy, the poor and deprived citizens are capable to raise their voice. They can put pressure on the government to accelerate the pace of economic development. The reason for this is that they have got an absolute right to express their views. And it is the characteristic feature of democracy.
    3. The duty of an elected government in a democracy is that she should combine economic growth with human development. Therefore, it can be said that democracy is not just a political ideal but a democratic government is also the way to provide greater security also.
    1. The given cartoon represent the US’s massive defence expenditure and lack of money for peace related issues.
    2. This cartoon conveys message that the countries are ready to spend on military rather than on peaceful initiation.
    3. Our country spends a lot on peaceful initiations first as well as make efforts to find out a peaceful solution first.
  8. Meaning of Security: Security concerns only to extremely dangerous threats-threats that could so endanger core values that those values would be harmed beyond repair if we did not do something to cope with the situation. However, we have to accept that security would remain a slippery idea.
    Following are the two new sources of threats to security:
    Terrorism: Terrorism can be termed as the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. It targets civilians deliberately and indiscriminately. International terrorism includes the citizens or territory of more than one country. Terrorist groups attempt to change a political context or condition that they do want by force or threat to force.
    1. To terrorise the people civilian targets are often chosen. The classic cases of terrorism include hijacking planes or planting bombs in trains, buses, markets and other over-crowded spots.
    2. Terrorists attack the World Trade Centre in America. On 11th September 2001, forced other governments to pay more attention to the menace of terrorism. Now, terrorism is not the problem of some countries, it has engulfed almost the whole world in its nefarious designs.

    Human Rights:

    1. Human rights are classified into three types. The first type includes political rights e.g., freedom of speech and assembly. The second type has social and economic rights. The third type includes the rights of colonised people or ethnic and indigenous minorities. Through this classification is widely accepted one, however, there is no consensus on which set of rights should be considered as universal Human Rights. There is a serious problem what the international community should do when rights are blatantly violated.
    2. After several serious developments since the 1990s e.g., Iraq attack on Kuwait, the genocide in Rwanda and killing of people in East Timor have certainly generated a discussion on whether or not the UN should intervene to check human rights abuses. Some people vehemently argue that the UN charter clearly empowers the international community to take up cudgels in defence of human rights. On the other hand, some argue that the national interests of the powerful states will firmly decide which examples of human rights violations the UN will take up.
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