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We have just launched the revised version of Worksheets for Class 8 Maths. This is purely based on latest NCERT syllabus. We have completely redesigned and refined the new version of class 8 Maths Worksheets to fit the requirements of new-age students. If you had subscribed this earlier, please download it again from myCBSEguide Shop page or myCBSEguide mobile app for free. This PDF book has total 109 worksheets with solution from 16 chapters.
Maths Worksheets for class 8
Class 8 Mathematics has 16 chapters. We have covered all these chapters. There are 5 to 8 worksheets from each chapter. Each worksheet has 10 questions. Here are the question types included in class 8 Maths Worksheets.
- Short answer type questions (2 questions)
- True and False type question (1 question with four sub-parts)
- Fill in the blanks question (1 question with four sub-parts)
- Matching question (1 question with four sub-parts)
- Short answer type questions (3 questions)
- Long answer type questions (2 questions)
Thus, there are total ten questions in one worksheet. Each worksheet covers all the above question types so that students can be evaluated thoroughly.
NCERT class 8 Mathematics Worksheets
Although these worksheets are based on NCERT text book, but you will find the difficulty level a bit higher in some worksheets. We have done so, to test the content knowledge as well as understanding and applicability of all the concepts. This will help parents and teachers to evaluate students comprehensively. Mathematics demands continuous practice. These worksheets will certainly help students to practice the concepts in all possible question types.
Download Chapter wise Papers for Maths class 8
Now, you can download the complete pack of 109 worksheets as single PDF file from myCBSEguide shop or mobile app. myCBSEguide app online tests for daily practice, chapter wise notes, NCERT solutions and learning videos. This is the only app specifically designed for CBSE and NCERT students. My CBSE Guide app is available for free download in google playstore.

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