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The examination is an ongoing process. Teachers need to prepare question papers on a regular basis. There are multiple options to prepare question papers including exam paper generators. Let’s discuss the same and try to understand how we can speed up the whole process.

The Traditional Method

As we know question papers are not mere pieces of papers loaded with questions. Each question has a specific purpose. It measures learning outcomes and gives feedback for remedial teaching. The teacher has to keep many things in mind while creating a question paper.

The traditional method is based on searching for suitable questions and putting them on paper. It involves the following steps:

  1. define the syllabus and blueprint
  2. Set the measurable learning outcomes
  3. Frame questions accordingly
  4. Prepare marking scheme
  5. Create question paper

Here, the most time-consuming task is to frame questions. It’s not easy. Teachers have to browse multiple resources for that. Even then, in most of the cases, they couldn’t find good questions.

On the other hand, the typology of questions is changing rapidly. Boards are adopting innovative tools for assessment. So, simple questions are of no use in the current scenario.

The Innovative Method

I am a Science teacher. I am preparing questions on the topic “Carbon and It’s Compounds”. I worked very hard and prepared 50 questions in 5 hours. The same way thousands of other science teachers are doing the same. they all are preparing questions for themselves on the very same topic.

Do you justify it? Don’t you think if we have a repository of questions on the topic “Carbon and It’s Compounds” and all these teachers can use it, can save thousands of man-hours? Also, there would be an option to add new questions and enrich the question bank regularly.

Exam Paper Generator is doing the same. It is the biggest repository of questions. We update it on regular basis. Teachers can directly use it without typing a single word.

This is the innovative method we are discussing. It not only saves thousands of man-hours but also provides standard assessment tools to all the teachers.

Exam Paper Generator

Examin8 – Exam Paper Generator has 5 lakh plus questions with solutions. The question bank is updated on regular basis. Teachers can access it through both mobile app and the website.  It helps to

  • Create Question Papers
  • Conduct Online Tests
  • Upload Video Links
  • Share Study Material
  • Free Mobile App for Students
  • Question Bank of 5 Lakh Questions

Exam Paper Generator

myCBSEguide App

Test Generator

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myCBSEguide App


Question Bank, Mock Tests, Exam Papers, NCERT Solutions, Sample Papers, Notes

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