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Extra Questions for Class 12 Economics National Income and Related Aggregates. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 12 Economics. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These test papers with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Economics Test Papers from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Board Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 12 Economics syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for class 12.
CBSE Class 12 Economics Extra Questions
Practice Questions for Class 12 Economics
National Income and Related Aggregates
Can the gross domestic product be greater than the gross national product? (1)
- No
- Yes
- Never
- Can’t say
State which one of the following is true. (1)
- Rent is a factor income
- Royalty is not a factor income
- Tax is a factor income
- Subsidies is a factor payment
National Income is a (1)
- Hypothetical concept
- Non economic concept
- Stock concept
- Flow concept
Money flow is the flow of (1)
- Goods only
- Factor payments
- Services only
- Goods and services only
What do you mean by gross investments? (1)
Define Domestic territory of a country. (1)
What is meant by Real Gross Domestic Product? 1
What is real national income? (1)
- Find Net National Product at Market Price. (3)
S.no. Contents (Rs. in Crores) (i) Personal Taxes 200 (ii) Wages and Salaries 1,200 (iii) Undistributed Profit 50 (iv) Rent 300 (v) Corporate Tax 200 (vi) Personal Income 2,000 (vii) Interest 400 (viii) Net Indirect Tax 300 (ix) Net Factor Income from Abroad 20 (x) Profit 500 (xi) Social Security Contribution by Employers 250 -
Giving reason, explain whether the following are included in domestic product of India. (3)
- Profits earned by a branch of foreign bank in India.
- Payment of salaries to its staff by an embassy located in New Delhi.
- Interest received by an Indian resident from its abroad firms.
- From the following data, calculate “Net Value Added at Factor Cost”. (4)
S.no. Content (Rs. in Lakhs) (i) Sales 400 (ii) Change in Stock (-) 20 (iii) Intermediate consumption 200 (iv) Net indirect taxes 40 (v) Exports 50 (vi) Depreciation 70 -
State any precautions that are taken while calculating national income by expenditure method.
- Calculate the Net National Product at Market Price from the given details.
S.no. Contents (Rs. in Crores) (i) Mixed income of self-employed 8,000 (ii) Depreciation 200 (iii) Profit 1,000 (iv) Rent 600 (v) Interest 700 (vi) Compensation of employees 3,000 (vii) Net indirect taxes 500 (viii) Net factor income to abroad 60 (ix) Net exports (-) 50 (x) Net current transfers to abroad 20 -
Giving reason, explain how the following should be treated in the estimation of National Income. (6)
- Payment of interest by a firm to a bank.
- Payment of interest by a bank to an individual.
- Payment of interest by an individual to a bank.
Giving reason explain how the following should be treated in estimation of national income: (6)
- Payment of interest by a firm to a bank
- Payment of interest by a bank to an individual.
- Payment of interest by an individual to a bank.
National Income and Related Aggregates
- Yes
Explanation: When net factor income from abroad is negative.
- Yes
- Rent is a factor income
Explanation: Rent is earned from the use of capital which is one of factors of production.
- Rent is a factor income
- Flow concept
Explanation: It is measured after a specific period of time, usually a year.
- Flow concept
- Factor payments
Explanation: Money flow refer to payment for factor services.
- Factor payments
- Expenditure on the purchase of fixed assets or on inventory stock during the year is called gross investment.
Gross investment = expenditure on the purchase of fixed assets during the accounting year + expenditure on the inventory stock during the accouting year
Gross investment = Net investment + Depreciation. - It refers to that area of economic activity which generates domestic income. According to UN, domestic territory or economic territory is the geographical territory adminstered by a government within which persons, goods and capital circulate freely.
- Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) refers to the market value of the final goods and services produced within the domestic territory of the country during a financial year, included in GDP are valued at constant (fixed) prices, i.e. prices of the base year. It is also known as GDP at constant prices.
- Real national income refers to national income at constant prices. It is also called Real GDP.
Real National Income or Real GDP = {tex}Q \times P^*{/tex}
where Q = Qty of final goods and service produced during an accounting year and {tex}P^* {/tex} = Prices prevailing during the base year - Net National Product at Market Price is calculated as:
NNPmp = Wages and Salaries + Social Security Contribution by Employers + Rent + Interest + Profit + Net Factor Income from Abroad + Net Indirect Tax.
= 1,200 + 250 + 300 + 400 + 500 + 20 + 300 = Rs. 2,970 crores.
To get a national product, we add net factor income from abroad and to get the national product at market prices we add net indirect taxes. -
- As the profits are earned in the domestic territory of India, the profits earned by a branch of the foreign bank in India will be ‘included’ in domestic income of India.
- Payment of salaries to its staff by an embassy located in New Delhi will ‘not be included’ in the domestic income of India, as it is not a part of the domestic territory of India.
- As interest received by an Indian resident from its abroad firms is factor income from abroad, it will ‘not be included’ in domestic income of India.
- Value of output = Sales value + Change in stock
= Rs. 400 – Rs. 20 = Rs. 380 lakhs
GVAmp = Value of Output – Intermediate Consumption
= Rs. 380 – Rs. 200 = Rs. 180 lakhs
NVAfc = GVAmp – Depreciation – Net indirect taxes
= Rs. 180 – Rs. 30 – Rs.40 = Rs. 110 lakhs - While using the expenditure method, the following precautions are required to be taken, related to the calculation of National Income:
- Only final expenditure is to be taken into account to avoid the error of double counting of expenditures,
- Expenditure on second-hand goods is not to be included, because such expenditure has already been included when they are originally purchased. However, any commission or brokerage on such goods is included as it is a payment made for productive service.
- Expenditure on the purchase of financial assets such as shares and bonds is not to be included in total expenditure, as these are mere paper claims and are not related to the production of final goods and services.
- Expenditure on transfer payments by the government is not to be included as such payments are not connected with any productive activity and there is no value addition.
- Imputed value/estimated value of expenditure on goods produced for self-consumption should be taken into account, as these goods are reflected in the estimation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
- Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost (NDPFC)
= Compensation of Employees + Rent + Interest + Profit + Mixed Income of Self Employed
= 3,000 + 600 + 700 + 1,000 + 8,000 = Rs. 13,300 crores
Net National Product at Market Price (NNPMP )
= NDPfc – Net Factor Income to Abroad + Net Indirect Taxes = 13,300 – 60 + 500
= Rs. 13,740 crores -
- Payment of interest by a firm to a bank: It will be ‘included’ in the estimation of National Income, as it is a factor income. Also, firms take loans for investment purposes.
- Payment of interest by a bank to an individual: It will be ‘included’ in the estimation of National Income as it is a factor income.
- Payment of interest by an individual to a bank: It will ‘not be included’ in the estimation of National Income as consumer takes a loan for consumption purposes.
- Payment of interest by a firm to a bank is an interest income (factor income) therefore added in national income.
- Payment of interest by bank to an individual is again a factor payment, therefore included in national income.
- Payment of interest by an individual to bank is interest (factors income), therefore it is included in national income.
Chapter Wise Practice Test for Class 12 Economics
- National Income and Related Aggregates
- Money and Banking
- Determination of Income and Employment
- Government Budget and the Economy
- Balance of Payments & Foreign Exchange
- Indian Economy on the Eve of Independence
- Indian Economy 1950-90
- Economic Reforms Since 1991
- Poverty
- Human Capital Formation in India
- Rural Development
- Employment Growth Informational and other Issues
- Infrastructure
- Environment Sustainable Development
- Development Experiences India & Neighbours

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