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English is one of the key components of senior secondary examinations conducted by CBSE. Acing the English examination is of paramount importance in attaining a decent percentage in Class 10th Boards. The Class 10 English syllabus of the CBSE board is divided into two parts:
- Communicative English
- Language and Literature.
Students must go through the entire syllabus (2022-23) to learn more about the chapters and topics to be prepared for this year.
CBSE Class 10 English Syllabus 2022-23
The exhaustive list of topics covered as part of the class 10 CBSE Syllabus for English (Language and Literature) subject has been provided on mycbseguide.com. This syllabus includes details of topics to be prepared for all three sections of the paper –
Sections | |
A | Reading Skills (20 marks) |
B | Writing Skills with Grammar (20 marks) |
C | Literature Textbooks and Supplementary Reading Text (40 marks) |
Section I: Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage (20 Marks)
- Discursive passage of 400-450 words. (10 marks)
- Case-based passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart etc.) of 200-250 words. (10 marks)
(Total length of two passages to be 600-700 words)
Multiple Choice Questions/Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.
Tips to Score More in Reading Section
You can score 100% in this section if you follow some of the given tips:
- Practice extensively, at least 20 reading passages before attempting the CBSE class 10 English board examination
- Do an in-depth study of the given passage
- Read the questions before reading the passage
- Enhance your vocabulary
The given passage can be quite easily solved by following the 3 steps:
- Give a quick glance at the given passage asked in the examination
- Read the questions asked before the detailed reading of the passage; you will definitely save on time
- Scan the reading passage and locate the answers
Section II: Writing And Grammar
There are two parts writing and grammar in this section.
Writing Section
Creative Writing Skills (10 marks)
This section will have short as well as long writing tasks including compositions.
- Formal Letter based on a given situation in 100-120 words. One out of two questions is to be answered. (5 marks)
- Writing an Analytical Paragraph (100-120 words) on a given Map/Chart/Graph/Cue/s. One out of two questions is to be answered. (5 marks)
Ways to Attempt and Ace the Writing Section
Unlike previous times students can ace this section too and fetch around 95% easily. Following are the tips to fetch good marks in the writing section of the class 10 CBSE English examination :
- Study the format carefully- this is the most scoring part of the writing section. A perfectly prescribed format can fetch you a perfect score.
- Work on your speed- the student should be able to complete this section within the time given.
- Work on your handwriting- good handwriting manages to create a good impression on the examiner. Writing should be eligible and definitely, and a good presentation will lead to a positive impact.
- Use an enhanced vocabulary and avoid grammatical errors.
- Your expression and ideas should be relevant and there should be coherence i.e connectivity between two points should exist in your writing.
Grammar – How to Get a Perfect Score
Grammar (10 Marks)
- Tenses
- Modals
- Subject-verb concord
- Reported speech
- Commands and requests
- Statements
- Questions
- Determiners
This section of the CBSE English class 10 is the most scoring one. Students can fetch 100% if they practice and revise the topics prescribed by CBSE. Solve the previous year’s papers as well as take as many mock tests as you can. To ace the subject, grammar will definitely be a strong point for the class 10 student. This section of the examination provides an opportunity for the students to attain marks quickly with minimal effort.
Prescribed Books: Published by NCERT, New Delhi
- First Flight
- Footprints Without Feet
The question paper carries 2 references to context questions (5+5). Generally one is from prose and the other from poems. There is an internal choice in both questions. The extracts can be from either of the 2 prescribed textbooks. There are 6 short answer questions and 2 long answer questions; one from each book. This section carries a substantial weightage of 40 marks. The class 10 CBSE students need to vigorously go through the NCERT-prescribed books and follow the given guidelines to excel in this CBSE board exam.
Key Points to Excel in Literature Section
- Read the entire chapter
- Do not appear for the exam after going through the summary only
- Memorize the name of chapters along with the name of their authors
- Understand the core/centric idea of the plot
- Write answers on the basis of inference, interpretation and comprehension
- Be spontaneous and write original answers
- Do not copy/paste from reference books
- Strictly adhere to the given word limit
Remember that for value-based and extract-based questions it is a must to religiously go through the entire chapter. No shortcuts will do. Only an in-depth study of the plot/ poem will enable the student to attempt the questions and fetch a decent score in this particular section. Multiple choice questions/Objective type questions are asked in the English class 10 CBSE examination to assess:
- Inference
- Analysis
- Interpretation
- vocabulary
General Tips to Ace the CBSE English Board Exam 2022-23
- Follow the prescribed word limit: Many students tend to exceed the prescribed word limit which consumes more time than what they should have dedicated to that particular question and affect their performance in the other sections/questions.
- Be confident before attempting the examination: attempt the CBSE English examination with a positive mindset.
- Work on your
- Handwriting
- Presentation
- Vocabulary
- Speed
- Try to be regular with English subjects along with other domain-specific subjects since the subject carries an equal weightage as the other technical subjects.
- Try to exhibit a sense of originality in your responses, particularly in the literature and writing sections which will cast a sense of command over the subject in view of the examiner.

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