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Important Questions for Class 12 Political Science Globalisation. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 12 Political Science. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Political Science Extra Questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Board Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 12 Political Science syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for class 12.
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Extra Questions
Political Science Chapter 9 Practice Test for Class 12
Class 12 – Political Science (Globalisation)
- Where did the seventh meeting of world social forum take place?
- Porto Alegre
- Nairobi
- London
- New york
Mention the main function of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
When was new economic policy adopted?
What is the problem of increasing interdependence of countries?
How has globalisation involved greater trade in commodities across the globe?
What are the causes of globalisation?
“Welfare State is getting replaced by market.” Analyse the reason for this change?
Define globalisation. Describe any three economic implications of globalisation.
Explain the economic consequences of globalisation.
Explain arguments given by the advocates of economic globalization.
Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow:
Questions- What does the cartoon comment?
- What is referred under the title yesterday?
- What message does the title ‘Today’ convey?
Study the passage given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
During the colonial period, as a consequence of Britain’s imperial ambitions, India became an exporter of primary goods and raw materials and a consumer of finished goods. After independence, because of this experience with the British, we decided to make things ourselves rather than relying on others. We also decided not to allow others to export to us so that our own producers could learn to make things. This ‘protectionism’ generated its own problems. While some advances were made in certain areas, critical sectors such as health, housing and primary education did not receive the attention they deserved. India had a fairly sluggish rate of economic growth.Questions:
- After independence, India decided to produce articles of daily use on its own. Give reasons.
- Why did India not allow others to export to us?
- Why had India a fairly sluggish rate of economic growth?
Define Globalisation. Explain the reasons for resistance to globalisation.
Class 12 – Political Science (Globalisation)
- Nairobi
Explanation: It’s first meeting was held in Port Alegre but seventh meeting in Kenya.
- Nairobi
- To set the rules for the promotion of international trade is the main function of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
- The new economic policy was adopted in 1991.
- This gross interdependence may hurt the spirit of sovereignty in LDCs. It is because people in these countries are virtual patriotic and astute to the sanctitive and exclusive term ‘‘Nationalism”.
- Globalisation has involved greater trade in commodities across the globe because trade barriers like tariff, duties and number of other imports as also labour laws have been removed or relaxed.
- The causes of globalisation are as:
- Globalisation is about the flows of ideas, capital, commodities and people.
- Technological developments in the field of communication i.e. telegraph the telephone and the microchip.
- Inter-connectedness among the people living in one part of the world with people living in the other part of the world.
- “Welfare state is getting replaced by market”, the reason behind this change was due to:
- Globalisation results in erosion of state capacity, that is, the ability of government to do what they do.
- The old ‘welfare state’ is now giving way to a more minimalist state that performs certain core functions such as the maintenance of law and order and the security of its citizens.
- It withdraws from many of its earlier welfare functions directed at economic and social well being. Hence, it is the market that becomes prime determinant of economic and social priorities.
- The entry and the increased role of multinational companies all over the world leads to a reduction in the capacity of governments to take decisions on their own.
- Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. Globalization has grown due to advances in transportation and communication technology. Globalisation can be termed as a multidimensional concept. It comprises political, economic and cultural manifestations, and these must be properly distinguished.
Following are the three economic implications of globalisation:- It involves greater economic flows among different countries of the globe.
- In operational terms, globalisation means that investors in rich countries can invest their capital in countries other than their own, including developing countries, where they might receive better returns.
- Economic globalisation has made an extreme division of opinion all over the globe. However, many movements all over the globe feel that forced economic globalisation should be checked, for its results would lead to economic damage for the weaker and poor countries. The advocates of economic globalisation think that it creates greater economic growth and well being, therefore, they argue that economic globalisation is inevitable.
- The economic consequences can be understood through following points :
- Globalisation has increased trade in commodities across the globe. The restrictions imposed by different countries on the imports of other countries have been reduced.
- It focuses on the development of some elite groups of the society.
- The restrictions on the movement of capital across countries have also been reduced. Thus, investors in rich counties can invest their money in other countries particularly developing countries, where they get better returns.
- Economic globalisation enhances the disparities among the different classes of the society.
- Globalisation has led to spread of ideas such as internet and computer related services.
- Globalisation also increases the role of WTO, World Bank and IMF.
- Economic globalisation leads to consumerism which enhances the market’s role in society.
- Globalisation has led to increase in the movement of people. For example, about 300.000 Indians are working in Silicon Valley in USA.
- Advocates of economic globalisation argue:
- It involves greater economic flows among different countries of the world.
- Led to flow or exchange can take various forms: commodities, capital, people, and ideas.
- It has involved greater economic growth and well-being.
- Greater trade in commodities across the globe.
- They also say that economic globalisation is inevitable and it is not wise to reset the march of history.
- It has led to the flow of ideas across national boundaries.
- The cartoon comments on the changing scenario due to globalisation. It is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide.
- The title ‘Yesterday’ refers to earlier conditions of developing countries who were starving due to less growth in their economy.
- The title ‘Today’ refers to the process of Globalisation, which has opened doors for new entrants from developing nations and resulted into brain drain.
- The reasons for this are as follow:
- India became an exporter of primary goods and raw materials and a consumer of finished goods.
- India decided to make things herself rather than relying on others. Its aim was that our producers could learn to make things.
- The other countries were not allowed to export to us. Its aim was to encourage indigenous producers. Ultimately, our country had to achieve self-sufficiency in finished products.
- The reasons for this are the following:
- In some areas, progress was quite encouraging but the others were neglected.
- In the economic sphere, the policy of protectionism was pursued which produced some new disparities.
Finally, as a result, the economic rate of development slowed down in India.
- The reasons for this are as follow:
- Globalisation means the flows of ideas, capital, commodities and people across different parts of the world. It is a multidimensional concept. It has political, economic and cultural manifestations and these must be adequately distinguished.The reasons due to which globalisation is resisted are mentioned below :
- Leftist parties argue that contemporary globalisation represents a global capitalism that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
- Weakening of the state leads to a reduction in the capacity of the state to protect the interest of its poor.
- Trade Unions of industrial workforce as well as those representing farmer interests have organised protests against the entry of multi-nationals.
- There have been left wing protests to economic liberalisation voiced through political parties as well as through forums like the Indian Social Forum. Rightist parties also express anxiety over the political economic and cultural effects.
- The cultural globalisation would harm age old values of people while harming their traditional culture.
- Resistance to globalisation has also come from the political right.This has the taken the form of Objecting to various cultural influences – ranging from the availability of foreign TV channels provided by cable networks, celebration of Valentine’s Day and Westernisation of the dress tastes of girl students in schools and colleges.
Chapter Wise Extra Questions of Class 12 Political Science
Contemporary World Politics
- The Cold War Era
- The End of Bipolarity
- US Hegemony in World Politics
- Alternative Centres of Power
- Contemporary South Asia
- International Organisations
- Security in the Contemporary World
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Globalisation
Political Science-II

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