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CBSE has issued OTBA material for class 9 and 11 for the session 2016-17. Download OTBA material for class 9 and 11 from CBSE official website and

The Central Board of Secondary Education recommends that multiple modes of assessment need to be provided to cater to the varied abilities of individual strengths of learners. Accordingly, an element of Open Text Based Assessment for classes IX and XI was introduced by the Board in 2014 Examination. These are meant to incorporate analytical and higher order thinking skills, thus moving away from rote memorization. The following open text materials for Classes IX and XI are being provided for the Examination in 2017 as per the curriculum issued.

OTBA material Class IX

S. No Subject (code) Specified Units/Themes Themes for OTBA Marks Distribution (per theme)
1 हिंदी (अ) (002) हिंदी (ब) (085) 1. समावेशी शिक्षा एक चुनौती

2. स्वाधीनता आन्दोलन में महिलाओं का योगदान

2x (5) =10
2 English (Communicative) (101) English (Language and Literature) (184) Reading section (Based on the themes found in the course book) 1. Nurturing Compassionate Citizens

2. Prepare and prevent Don’t Repair & Repent

2x (5) = 10
3 Mathematics (041) Unit -I, Chapter 4, Quadrilaterals 1. Solving Mystery of messed up fields 2. Quadrilateral in Architecture WAH TAJ ! 3+3+4= 10
4 Science (086/090) Our Environment 1. Solid waste Management – How to bring best out of waste?

2. Healthy Environment, Healthy people

2+3+5= 10
5 Social Science (087) Unit-II; Chapter 4: Climate 1. Rainfall- An important factor governing Indian economy

2. Drought in Maharashtra: Issues and Implications

5+5 =10

OTBA material Class XI

S. No Subject (code) Specified Units/Themes Themes for OTBA Marks Distribution (per theme)
1 Geography (029) Unit-VI Life on Earth 1. Organic Farming

2. Naturalization of Humans and Humanization of Nature

2x (5) =10
2 Biology (044) Unit-V; Human Physiology-(A) 1. Long Live Humanity

2. ‘Learn to live well’

2x (5) = 10
3 Economics (030) Unit VI; Development Experience of India – A Comparison with Neighbors 1. One Child Policy of China

2. Role of FDI in Economic Development

2x (5) = 10


The detailed guidelines to teachers and frequently asked questions are enclosed for reference. Please note that no questions shall be sent to the schools for conducting class XI examination. The schools are advised to prepare their own question papers as per curriculum. For class IX, the question paper which can be downloaded from the ITMS shall have the component of OTBA.

Guidelines to teachers for Open Text Based Assessment

1) Content:

  1. The given Open text material is for use in Summative Assessment II of Class IX, and Annual Examination of Class XI, 2017. The curriculum available on for year 2017 may be referred for details of assessment through OTBA
  2. Each text material includes sample questions and a suggestive marking scheme for use of teachers. The assessment must be done as a whole, considering the application of the knowledge gained by the students in the unit specified in the syllabus.
  3. The teachers must ensure that the students learn the concepts in related topics/ units and also assessed during formative assessments.

2) Curricular transaction:

  1. The concerned subject teachers are expected to ensure that students read, discuss and analyze the material with regard to, objectives, concepts involved, application of concepts to given situations, description and further exploration of the case/ problem/ situation involved, enhancement of higher order thinking skills involved and different perspectives
  2. Both the themes given in this text material should be assigned to the students in groups for further understanding, analysis and discussion. It is reiterated here that the main objective of introducing OTBA is to relieve the students from the burden of mugging up of content and provide opportunities in effective use of memory and acquiring skills of information processing.
  3. The teachers should guide them, provide feedback and encourage open responses in solving situations.
  4. The text material also gives some questions as samples. The teachers should develop more such questions which are based on the given text but require answers through application of learnt concepts, further research and additional readings.

3) Assessment:

  1. Questions will be asked based on one of the themes given in each subject.
  2. The textual content related to the theme shall be provided with the question paper.
  3. Teachers may note that the questions based on the OTBA are open-ended. The objective of these questions is to allow students to present their perspective on the given question/with reference to the OTBA material, concepts learnt during Annexure-1 Page 2 of 2 the teaching learning, discussions held in the classroom and their own awareness of the given theme/text.
  4. It is important that a student must be able to present his/her arguments logically, coherently and cogently. Hence while teachers are correcting their answers, it is important to be open minded about the students’ views.
  5. The answers included in the Marking Scheme supplied give only a few indicative points to a particular question.
  6. Due credit should be given to the relevance of the content, analysis, logical presentation of arguments and conclusions drawn in the answer.
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