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Regional Aspirations Class 12 Political Science Extra Questions. myCBSEguide has just released Chapter Wise Question Answers for class 12 Political Science. There chapter wise Practice Questions with complete solutions are available for download in myCBSEguide website and mobile app. These Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in CBSE schools for years. There are around 4-5 set of solved Political Science Extra Questions from each and every chapter. The students will not miss any concept in these Chapter wise question that are specially designed to tackle Board Exam. We have taken care of every single concept given in CBSE Class 12 Political Science syllabus and questions are framed as per the latest marking scheme and blue print issued by CBSE for class 12.
CBSE Class 12 Political Science Extra Questions
Regional Aspirations Class 12 Political Science Extra Questions
- Which of the following king merged Jammu and Kashmir princely state as a union of states in India?
- Mir Agha Sulaiman Jan
- Osama Ali
- King Hari Singh
- Nizam
Why do some people feel that Article 370 should be revoked?
Explain the term autonomy.
Mention the issues which India has to face immediately after independence.
Why were the seven small states created in North-East India?
What was the role of Congress in the politics of Jammu and Kashmir?
Why did Prime Minister Manmohan Singh apologise to the Nation on 11 August 2005 in Rajya Sabha?
What were the main provisions of the Punjab accord? In what way can they be the basis for further tensions between the Punjab and its neighbouring States?
Why did the movement for secession in the Mizo hills area gain popular support? How was the problem resolved?
Describe the demands of AASU, AGP and ULFA.
Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions:
The best way to respond to regional aspirations is through democratic negotiations rather than through suppression, Look at the situation in the eighties—militancy had erupted in Punjab: problems were persisting in the North-East: students in Assam were agitating; Kashmir valley was on the boiL Instead of treating these as simple law and order problems, the Government of India reached negotiated settlement with regional movements. This produced a reconciliation which reduced the tensions existing in many regions. The example of Mizoram shows how a political settlement can resolve the problem of separatism effectively.
- How are regional aspirations dangerous for the unity of the country?
- What is meant by democratic negotiations?
- Who was leading agitation in Assam?
- What steps were taken by the government of India to respond to regional aspirations?
Study the map given below and answer the questions that follow:
- Which are seven States or ‘seven sisters’ in the North-East region?
- Describe the geographical position of North-East region.
- Why were some States of North-East created separately out of the erstwhile State of Assam?
Describe the areas of tension that arose on different occasions after independence. Which political aspirations were the cause of those tensions?
Class 12 – Political Science (Ch-8 Regional aspirations)
- King Hari Singh
Explanation: Jammu & Kashmir was the princely state whose ruler was Maharaj Hari Singh.
- King Hari Singh
- Some people feel that Article 370 should be revoked because they believed that the special status of the state conferred by Article 370 does not follow full integration of the state with India.
- Autonomy is the freedom to take decision with special federal status. Also means the rights or condition of self-government.
- The issues which India had to face immediately after independence were:
- Partition,
- Displacement,
- Integration of princely states,
- Reorganisation of states.
- The seven small states were created for the economic development of the region.
- During 1953 and 1974, the Congress party exercised a lot of influence on the politics of the State. A truncated National Conference remained iconic power with the active support of Congress for some time but later merged with the Congress. Thus the Congress gained direct control over the government in the state. The party also made several attempts to reach an agreement between Sheikh Abdullah and Government of India. Finally, in 1974 Indira Gandhi reached an agreement with Sheikh Abdullah and he became the Chief Minister of State.
- After the assassination of Indira Gandhi on 31st October 1984, there was violence in the capital and other towns in the country. More than two thousand Sikhs were killed in Delhi and many more in places like Bokaro, Kanpur, and Chas. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh apologise to the Nation on 11th August 2005 in Rajya Sabha to express regret over these killings and apologised to the nation for anti-Sikh violence which was the negation of the concept of nationhood and what is enshrined in our Constitution and prayed to give us strength and show us the way that such things never again take place in our country.
- The election in 1984, the new Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi initiated a dialogue with Akali leaders. Punjab Accord, also known as the Rajiv Gandhi – Longowal Accord was an agreement signed between the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Harchand Singh Longowal, the then President of Akali Dal in July 1985. It was agreed that Chandigarh would be transferred to Punjab, a separate commission would be appointed to resolve the border dispute between Punjab and Haryana, and a tribunal would be set up to decide the sharing of Ravi-Beas river water among Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan. The agreement also provided for compensation to and better treatment of those affected by the militancy in Punjab.They can be the basis for further tensions between Punjab and its neighbouring States as:
- Militancy and counter-insurgency violence led to excesses by the police and violations of human rights.
- Politically, it led to a fragmentation of the Akali Dal.
- The central government had to impose president’s rule in the State and the normal electoral and political process was suspended.
- To restore the political process in the atmosphere of suspicion and violence was not easy.
- Militancy was eventually eradicated by the security forces. The alliance of Akali Dal and the BJP scored a major victory in 1997.
- In 1959 a great famine struck in Mizo hills. Some Mizos believed that they were never a part of British India and, therefore, did not belong to the Indian Union. The movement for succession gained popular support only after the Assam Government failed to respond adequately to the great famine of 1959 in Mizo hills. The Mizo’s anger led to the formation of the Mizo National Front (MNF) under the leadership of Laldenga.
- After a long struggle, a peace agreement, signed between Rajiv Gandhi and Laldenga. As per this accord, Mizoram was granted full-fledged statehood with special powers and MNF agreed to give up the secessionist struggle. This accord proved a turning point in the history of Mizoram. Today, Mizoram is one of the most peaceful places in the region and has taken big strides in literacy and development.
- The All Assam Students’ Union and Asom Gana Parishad have demanded that all outsiders who had entered the State after 1951 should be sent back. The movement also tried to blockade the movement of trains and the supply of oil from Assam to refineries in Bihar. All the states in north-east are witnessing the frustration of the emerging elite and serious inter-elite and intra-elite hostilities. It is not without reason that all democratic protest movements have been launched by the student organisations like the AASU, AGP and the North-East Students Coordination Committee. The United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) is a militant outfit operating in the Indian state of Assam. It seeks to establish an independent state of Assam with an armed struggle in the Assam conflict. All these student movements also receive support from the intelligentsia of the north-east states. The extremist sections of the students also join secessionists and armed movements like the ULFA.
- Regional aspirations are dangerous for the unity of the country because it creates the problem of separatism in the country.
- Democratic negotiations respect the demand of regional aspirations in place of suppression.
- The students were leading agitation in Assam.
- Steps that were taken by the government of India respond to regional aspirations were:
- Reached negotiated settlement with regional movements.
- Produced a reconciliation to reduce the tensions existing in many regions.
- Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh are the seven States or ‘seven sisters’ in the North-East region.
- The geographical position of the North-East region were:
- The region has four percent of the country’s population but about twice as much share of its area.
- A small corridor of about 22 kilometers connects the region to the rest of the country.
- It shares boundaries with China, Myanmar, and Bangladesh.
- It serves as India’s gateway to South-East Asia.
- Some States of North-East created separately out of the erstwhile State of Assam because these states face that the Assamese government was imposing the Assamese language on them. Hence, regional aspirations began.
- The areas of tensions and political aspirations that caused those tensions were as mentioned below:
Region/ State Political aspirations of the people Jammu and Kashmir (a) A separate Kashmiri nation.
(b) Merger with Pakistan.
(c) Greater autonomy for the State.Punjab (a) Formation of a ‘Punjabi Suba’.
(b) Political autonomy for the region.
(c) To attain ‘Bolbala’ i.e., dominance and hegemony of the Sikhs (Anandpur Sahib Resolution).
(d) Distribution of water between Punjab and neighbouring States.
(e) Secession from India and the creation of ‘Khalistan’.Assam (a) Political autonomy.
(b) Tribal communities and separation from Assam.
(c) Secession from the Indian Union (Mizos).
(d) To detect and deport outsides from Assam i.e., anti-foreigners movement.Tamil Nadu (a) Opposition to the Brahmins’ dominance.
(b) Against the political, economic and cultural domination of the North.
(c) Against making Hindi the country’s official language.
Chapter Wise Extra Questions of Class 12 Political Science
Contemporary World Politics
- The Cold War Era
- The End of Bipolarity
- US Hegemony in World Politics
- Alternative Centres of Power
- Contemporary South Asia
- International Organisations
- Security in the Contemporary World
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Globalisation
Political Science-II

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