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Central Board of Secondary Education has introduced Examination Reforms and Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE) in its schools since the academic year 2009?10  and the detailed scheme has already been intimated to all Heads of schools vide CBSE’s previous circulars.

The scheme is in operation in all CBSE affiliated schools.   As per the scheme, four Formative Assessments and two Summative Assessments would be held in an academic year.   The  first   Summative Assessment   (SA­ I)   for  this   term  for  Classes   IX  and  X  is   scheduled  to be  conducted  in  the  second half  of  September,  2011.

Under the School Based Summative Assessment?I, the students will be tested internally based on the following criteria:

a)  Syllabus and design of the Examination Question Paper in different subjects for Classes IX and X Summative Assessment(s) will be the same as circulated by the Board  earlier.  The same is also avai lable on CBSE website under Examination Link.

b)  As was done earlier, the Summative Assessment?I will be in the  form of a pen?paper test conducted by the schools themselves.

c)   In order to ensure standards, the Question Paper Bank in different subjects would be sent by the Board so as to reach schools well  in time.

d) Evaluation of answer scripts will be done by the school teachers themselves on the basis of the Marking Scheme provided by the Board. The school may use the Sahodaya School Cluster for spot evaluation so that teachers from other schools are also involved, if they so wish.

e) There will be random verification of the assessment procedures  of schools by the Board officials/nominees appointed by the Board.

4. It has been decided to provide Question Paper Bank for  English Communicative,   English  Language  &  Literature,   Hindi ­A,   Hindi ­B,  Mathematics,   Science,   Social   Science  and  Communicative  Sanskrit .

In respect of other subjects/languages, the schools will administer their own question papers based on Sample Question Paper pattern available on the Board’s website.

5. The Board will be sending Compact Disc (CD) containing Quest ion Paper Bank for Classes IX & X and the school may:

i)   pick up one question paper for each subject.


ii)   mix and match the paper by using different questions/sections from different sets of question papers and prepare a question paper based on Board’s sample paper, design and blue print.


iii)   prepare their own question papers as per sample paper, design and blue print available on CBSE’s website (  However, in case the school prepares its own question papers, the question papers and marking scheme so prepared should be emailed to the Board  (email   id:   [email protected]) for its verification within a week of conduct of the respective papers.

iv)   The Board plans to dispatch the CDs containing question papers for classes IX and X to all schools so as to reach by  10th  September,  2011.

v)   Every  School,   Sahodaya  Cluster(s)   or  City  may  design  their own date­sheet   for Classes   IX and X examination accordingly.

6. The schools need to take out the print of the desired question paper (refer para 5 above) and, thereafter, the required number of prints/copies may be made at the school level.  These question papers must be kept in the safe custody carefully.

7.  The  schools   will   conduct   the  SA­ I   for  Classes   IX  and  X  during the  second half  of  September,  2011

8.   Another   CD  containing  the  Marking  Scheme  of   the  main subjects  would be  sent   to  every  school   separately  in due  course  and will  reach  the  schools  well   in  time.

9.   The answer   books   should be evaluated by teachers   as   per the marking scheme provided by the Board.


However these must be preserved and kept in the safe custody at the school for at least a period of three years (in case of Class IX) and two years (in case of Class X) along with question papers and Marking Scheme for any verification by the Board subsequently.

11.   It may be noted again that the question papers for Classes IX and X have been designed by the Board and are being sent to schools with the purpose of maintaining standards.  Depending upon the feedback and suggestions from the stakeholders, the Board may reconsider this policy in future, if need be.

This may be brought to the notice of all teachers, students and parents of Classes IX and X.

For any further clarification please contact  Dr.   Srijata  Das,  Education Officer, CBSE, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi–110002 (Contact  no.011 – 23237779 and email   id [email protected]).

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