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What is CGPA?

It stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. Here is CGPA calculator.

Definition: It is the average of grading points obtained in all subjects excluding the 6th subject as per CBSE scheme.

CGPA Calculator How to get Marks from grades

In class 10, CBSE there is a grading system. To get an idea about your subject wise and overall percentage of marks and to calculate marks/ percentage from your grades and CGPA, the given table is helpful. Let’s understand it.

CBSE is using 9 point grading system as below :

1 91-100 A1 10
2 81-90 A2 9
3 71-80 B1 8
4 61-70 B2 7
5 51-60 C1 6
6 41-50 C2 5
7 31-40 D 4
8 21-30 E1
9 0-20 E2

Individual grades and grade points will be given for each subject. Students will also get overall grade point for five subjects. This overall grade point is called CGPA (cumulative grade point average) and it can be used to calculate estimated overall percentage of marks obtained by the student.

The above formula given by CBSE to convert grades into marks and percentage is only an approximation and not exact.

CBSE CCE CGPA & Overall Percentage Calculator

Subject Grade Grade Point Percentage
Language I (English)
Language II (Hindi)
Social Studies
CGPA & Overall Indicative Percentage

Here we added a sample result of class 10 for better understanding
CGPA Calculator

 Calculation of Percentage for one subject : Grade Point X 9.5

Example : suppose a student get B1 in Hindi and his grade point is 8. Now his estimated percentage in Hindi will be 8 X 9.5 = 76 percent.

Calculation of overall percentage : CGPA X 9.5

Example : suppose  CGPA (printed on grade sheet) is 7.8. Now his/her estimated overall percentage will be 7.8 X 9.5 = 74.1 percent.

For more insight on grading system and CGPA do check these articles too :

  1. CBSE Upgraded Grades by one Level in Class 10
  2. How to calculate percentage from CGPA
  3. GP and CGPA to Percentage Calculator
  4. What is CGPA
  5. Criteria for Admission of CBSE students in Class XI

Note : Abbreviations used against Result :

QUAL – Eligible for Qualifying Certificate,
EIOP – Eligible for Improvement of Performance,
NIOP – Not Eligible for Improvement of Performance,
XXXX – Upgradation of Performance/Additional Subject
N.E. – Not Eligible,
R.W. – Result Withheld,
R.L. – Result Later,
UFM – Unfair means,
SJD – Subjudice?

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